Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part II Clip

Watched this this morning and it is not the best recording, totally obvious it was done from someone's phone but hey it is all we got and betta than nothin!


Monday, March 12, 2012

Finished The Killing Dance VH 6

Yes we have it all in this book.  Action, Romance, Suspense, Hot Loving.  What else can a girl ask for.
I must admit that I was beginning to doubt whether or not that author could write a good love scene.  But I take my hat off to her cause it wasn't just good it was awesome... Jean Claude did not disappoint and it was worth the wait.  I'm glad to see that Anita's first love scene was with JC.  This book was great because we ha a lot of dialogue between JC and Anita as well as Richard.  The three become a Triumvirate.  They unite the power of three and are now piratically unstoppable.  I'll be interested in seeing where we go from here.  as the book finished Anita is now JC lover, and I'm not sure if she is dating Richard that was not discussed.  I will be starting book 7 and i am content with what 6 had to offer....Favorite line of the book was
"I have played the mortal for you these many months. I thought in March when you held my naked
body, when you shared blood with me, that it would be a changing point for us. That you would give in to
your desire and admit your feelings for me."

Fang Rating VVVVV

Finished The Killing Dance, VH Book 6

The Killing Dance is a dance we have been waiting and hoping a LONG time for. I think this was my favorite of all the books read sooo far! Book 1 is special but this really spends time more on the relationships among the characters as as pose to spending most of the books time solving a murder! And finally, spoiler alert: JC and Anita hook up like they really should have since the beginning and the author did NOT disappoint! I am so glad our little prude did not hesitant to give it up! Fav line comes from the this scene, JC says in the midst of it all, "My deepest apologies, ma petite, you have almost undone me". Great action and great characters and great twists like always, now I look forward to her curve balls and expecting the unexpected! I liked the trimutive and did not see that coming. So we will see what happens next, I must admit, I am a little hesitant that the author won't bring the good action between Anita and JC because she already gave us so much in this book. However, I have heard otherwise......plowing on!

Fang Rating: VVVVV

- Mon

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Finished Bloddy Bones!!!!!!!!!!!! VH 5

Bloody bones was a good read! The author definitely makes you wait for a little JC and Anita action.
Yet its worth the wait.  In this book we see the introduction of Fey blood and there magical powers.  So far the author has introduced many supernaturals we read about in other books and that makes it interesting.
Anita is still dating both Richard and JC.  How ever we really don't get to go on a date with JC in this book.
After more than 200 pages it gets interesting and let me just say Finally she brings it on!!!!That definitely refueled my enthusiasm for the series.  Anita can be a little annoying constantly threatening to kill JC "Ah Porfavor", we all know that is not likely to happen.  Best part of the book when she thinks JC is dead and she cuts her own vein to bring him back to UNDEAD.  Well Anita girl face it your in love chica, that way we can all start enjoying your hot steamy romance with that Hottie JC.  Poor Richard he is gorgeous and Muy Caliente but her #1 is JC and he knew to begin with.  Don't they always say they can smell the lust.  JC was right when he said he wanted an equal chance to woe her.  That may just be the reality check Anita needs to give up her prudish ways. 

Fang rating:  VVVVV

Friday, March 2, 2012

Finished VH 5 Bloody Bones!

Wow, FINALLY! We are finally getting somewhere and thank God for that! Although this book was slow to get going, almost to the fact that I was losing faith that JC and Anita would ever hook up and it would just be dragged out forever, it finally happened and although they it don't completely hook up Anita allowed herself to act on and show JC a bit, just how sexually attracted to him she was. The dialog and action between JC and Anita were great in this book. I really liked the focus of the fey and the vampires in this one! I prefer that better than the zombie/pack stuff.  I really liked the character of Magus and his story. The author always throws in great curve balls and more unforgettable characters. The ending on this one seemed to be cut a little short but I am getting used to that now and because I know that there are major changes coming up ahead in books 6 and 7 I am soo excitied to continue reading! Book 5 is for sure another major turning point for these books and Anita coming to grips with her perception on the "monsters" and herself.

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon