Monday, April 30, 2012

Finished Fallen Angels Book 2 Crave

Well if your are a fan of hot steamy romance books about paranormal characters and then add in a twist of mystery.  Then these are definitely the books for you.  I am a fan of JR Ward.  I love the way she writes her no nonsense approach its all raw and invigorating.  Definitely entertaining a great book to read and relax.  just the write combination of mystery with romance.  She is definitely on of my favorite writers .  In this book Crave we see the evolution as Jim as one of the Fallen angels.  He now is immortal and is truly battling that Bitch Devina.  Jim is hot and Devina is falling in love with him  Although she repulses him we'll see how far he is willing to go to save the world.  I think the fact that Devina has a weak spot for Jim might work in her favor .  I can't wait to find out Why they are called Flalen angels.  What is the back groun story on Eddie and Adrian  they both seem HOT!!!! The love story of the book is about Grier a young sexy lawyer and her pro bono client Xop's soldier Issac.  There instant attraction is hot and heavy totally believable. It was one of those books I could not put down,  awesome  read!!!!!!!!!!!

Fang Rating: VVVVV
Carol -

Monday, April 23, 2012

Finished Covet Book 1 Fallen Angels

Loved the book.  JR Ward does not disappoint.  If you are a fan of BDB then you will love The Fallen Angels.  The book is setting up the premises for the ones that will follow.  I loved the fact that she brought in characters we had met in the BDB series.  I have a good feeling about the rest of the books.  I hope she keeps on writing because I love the way she writes.  The main character Jim is awesome and still a mystery. What I already know about hm I like and what is to come I'm sure I will like.  My favorite thing about the book is that the men are manly and although the women are also strong in character they do not emasculate the men.  The chemistry between the two is awesome.  And if you like hot steamy love scenes then this is a must read for you as well.

Fang Rating:  VVVVV

Fnnsih Book 7 Burnt Offerings

In this book we see the development of character we had only met through reference.  We meet Asher
Its very interesting because Richard comes back and has to deal with the fact that Anita and JC are now a couple. 
He also has to deal with the fact that he belongs to the Triumvirate and he is connected to both Anita and JC.
Something for sure he is not thrilled about.  Anita enforces the Lupa status ont he pack and gains a pack of her own the wereleaopards.
All the while she meets with the council and they proof to be her and JC's worst nightmare.  Yet Amongst all the fighting
and nightmarish stuff we get great interactions between JC and Anita.  At the end of the book they prevail but
there is still lots of uanswered questions.  So I guess I will be reading the next book looking forward to it.
They great reads the stories are always interesting there is always a mystery to solve.
Fang Rating:  VVVV

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Finished Burnt Offerings VH Book 7

Well, well, well. Burnt Offerings has officially burnt me out on Ms. Anita Blake. If I would have read this book in the beginning of the series, I would have really enjoyed it. I like the spark between Anita and Nathaniel, and her role as werelepoard mother however, I am getting a bit tired of all the jumping around that happens in the Blake books, this one especially. First we are the council meeting, then we are at the scene of a crime, then we are the fire scene. Like always, it comes together in a great way but since we have been flying through these books I feel like although I think the mysteries are great, I need a break. As Carol put it, Anita (or the writer) tends to emasculate the men as she becomes stronger in the pack than Richard and his beast and just as much of a psychopath as Jean-Claude. Don't get me wrong, I like my heroine's strong, but I like her lovers strong too.

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Breaking News! HBO just announced that True Blood Season 5 premieres Sunday, June 10 at 9/8c! Got to change that darn countdown clock again!!! Bring it Big E!!!

Monday, April 2, 2012

True Blood Season 5 Premiers in JUNE!

Holy Vamp! They are pushing it up a month! Season 5 Trailer below! For more details check out

Now if your like me I want details on Book 5 again because even though the series strays big time they stay within the format some! I went to and read the review on Sookie 5 and apparently this is the one where the book starts off, I think, with her getting her house burnt down and Jason deals with his new werepather status in which he just changes into a werepather/manther...haha, I made that up, okay, and the mystery is someone is shooting the local shifter population at random in which Calvin Norris gets shot and they suspect Jason. So lots of were and pack stuff and less vamps? We will see...since she combines so much of the other books in the tv series no doubt there will be some fangs too!

Sookie 12 a month away!

Freak Out! Are we soooo excitied or what? Here is a link to our feelings on Sookie 11! Love the cover to Sookie 12! What does it all mean? She is by herself with wolves??? Oh no no no! Where's Big E?

Mon and Carol's Thoughts on Sookie 11!   You can totally tell we were just getting started with this blog thing because there are NO details what so eva! What to do? Should we read 11 again? I have to read 5 agin too! So many books so little time!!!!!!!!!

BTW Chapter 2 is on Charlaine Harris's website!