Sunday, May 27, 2012

Finished Deadlocked, Sookie 12!

Wow, I am stunned..............I am glad that she cut us so short in Sookie 11, Dead Reckoning, that I was prepared for an uprut ending (also thanks to Carol). Just to recap, in Sookie 11, Sookie is living with Claude and Dermont and she summons them to help her clean out her attic, which she does. In one of the pieces of old furiture, she comes a across a letter from her Gran and magic faery charm, the cluviel dor! She finds out more about her faery history and that Mr. Catalidades was her "sponser" gave her telepathy as a birth right gift. Things between her and Eric are going down hill and things with Bill are going up. In Sookie 12, basically the same continues, there was no conclusion in Sookie's love life, actually it is just more up in the air now but you can tell Mrs. Harris is setting us up for the end of the series but several doors being shut. For one, all fae are back in faery, number two, she uses the cluviel dor, Jannalynn is dead and Sam gave Sookie one third ownership of the bar. I loved this book, I think it was perfect and it was full of suprises. I still really don't know who she is going to end up with, I thought she was going to use the cluviel dor in her love life some how but that didn't happen. I definetly didn't see Claude being behind the sceme to get Eric adn I really thought his reasoning for doing so could have been better Mrs. Harris but whatever. It was great to be in the Sookie universe again and I can't wait until next year. I don't know how she is going to tie up so many loose ends that still hang out there in one final book!

I also think it is important to note that since Eric knew she had the cluviel dor, he thought she was keeping things from him just like she thought he was keeping things from her...interesting. Also, he is the only one who didn't give Sookie a bday present!!

Fav quote: The night swelled with magic; not the beneficent kind of love-magic that sweeps couples away, but the kind of magic that rips and tears, the enchantment that creeps out of the woods and pounces.

- Mon
Fang Rating VVVVV

Thursday, May 10, 2012

True Blood Season 5 Promo Pics

Some of my favs that has me wondering what awaits us in Bon Temps this summer!

Anna Paquin on the cover of Fashion's Summer 2012

Anna Paquin strikes a pose in Marc Jacobs on the cover of Fashion‘s Summer 2012 issue, on newsstands May 21.
Here’s what the 29-year-old actress had to share with the Canadian mag:
On her True Blood character, Sookie: “There have always been aspects of her that I connect to, empathize with and understand – that’s the only way I can approach my job. You have to find a common ground with any character. I spend a lot of time with scripts, looking for my truth.”

For full more details

Deadlocked Book Review Below!

Looks like this one is going to be a little rough.......courtsey of my fav site this time of year!! Mon and Carol have the book and our geering up for this momentous occasion!

Finished Fallen Angels 3 ENVY!!!!!!!

Well its been a while since I read 3 books in 2 weeks.  So I think that in itself speaks volumes on whether I enjoyed them or not.  I have to say I do like the way JR Ward writes.  Her style of writing is great and captivating.  I love to read about what happens next.  The Angels in these books are hot.  I wouldn't mind catching up with my guardian angel if he looked like Jim.  Jim is strong and keeps it real.  They are not above throwing in a few curse words to express there emotions.  And he is starting to fight dirty when it  comes to Devina..........Beeeeaachhhhhhh in a blue dress.  In this book the dynamics of the Angels begins to change.  Eddie is the peaceful one and he is the grounded one,  but we see Jim having to step up his game.  He starts to become the leader that he is because he is the Savior  He was chosen as the Savior because he has equal parts good and bad.  In order to Win this battle for all of human kind he may have to tap into that bad side from time to time.   Ultimately he has to out wit the demon.  I loved the love affair with Veck andReilly .  The steamy hot,sexy, romantic scenes leave nothing to the imagination and and are not for the shy.. But they are awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!  I look forward to reading the next book..  I want to read about how that bad ass Angel saves the world........

Fang Rating VVVV

Finished Covet, Fallen Angles 1

Covet was a nice twist on the "Fallen Angles' category which is starting to gain popularity under the "paranormal romance" genre. I am glad I read it, it was nice to have a change and steam things up a little bit! I have fond memories of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series and this is the same author, however so far, I liked the BDB series better. I feel like this book was more written like the last BDB book of Manny, less suprise for me. It was still a fast read and I enjoyed it a lot, shower secenes came back to me, etc, BUT I guess for me, if it doesn't have fangs its got to be really really good for me to get excitied about it. I liked the ending and I am excitied to see what Jim's next venture is and who sleeps with who....and when to Adrian and Eddie go down? All the reasons why I am starting book 2 now, bring it on Crave!

Fang Rating VVV ..........maybe I am just too preocuppied with the Sookie 12 and Season Five TB coming out that I can't concentrate.......I think that is it!

- Mon