Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Finished VH 9 Obsidian Butterfly

We are working our way through Anita but I have to say this was one of the hardest books for us to get through. In this book Anita travels to New Mexico to meet up with Edward who has requested her presence to help solve a gruesome monster killing. This is the work of one of the worst serial killers Anita has ever dealt with and it makes her realize that this kind of work is really starting to effect her. She becomes more emotional dealing with the victims and decides that after this she definitely needs a vacation. We got to see Edward's soft side and learn more about the elusive Edward which was interesting at first but them became boring after a while. There was no action what so ever in this book except for her memorable experience with Bernardo which took place in front of a bar full of people... In spite of all of the twists and turns and bloody details I could have lived without, this was an important book in the series for a few reasons. One is that she gained new power from dealing with the Obsidian Butterfly, the Master Vamp of New Mexico who set Anita up in a way to take care of the serial killer who was raining in on the her parade. Anita also meet Olaf in this book, who I think will show up again and who is a definite threat to her safety. And lastly, she realized that she needed a break and sometime to work on herself. Anita taking time out just for her was a big realization that she couldn't "handle" it all.

Fang Rating VV

- Mon

Breaking Dawn Part 2 Countdown!

Let's get it excitied chicas!!!!
Get your tickets now !http://www.fandango.com/thetwilightsaga:breakingdawnpart2_135731/movieoverview

Trailer # 2

There is also apparently a screening for all the movies too!