Saturday, December 8, 2012

Finshed VH 12: Incumbus Dreams

Like all Anita Blake books this was a lot of information and sex jammed into one book! So much goes on in these books that it is hard to summarize and since we have been reading them back to back I get a little lost!! Incubus Dreams in a all male strip club across the river in St. Louis where Anita goes to help her drunk friend Ronnie with Micah and Nathanial and ends up finding a body left by the vampire serial killer she and the police and trying to find. Despite the sex, this book was hard to get through, Carol and I started calling these books NyQuil cause they put your ass to sleep!!! It is just too much information and too many positions crammed into one! Therefore, we decided to take a break after this book and hoping maybe a breather will give us renewed interest in Anita, however at this point, I don't know if we will pick up another Anita book again. However, in case we do, the important points of this book to remember, as regards to the series, are, Richard, Anita and JC finally get it on and bring their power to a new level! Anita is getting better controlling the aurdeur and has embraced her love for Nathanial and the fact that she has five boyfriends? No Asher in this book, but a finally a great love scene with Anita and JC ALONE! Towards the end of this book, it sounds like Micah may take the dip, thinking only the auerdeur ties his and Anita's bond together, while Vittoro, the vampire who is serial killing across nation with his band of crazies is still at large. JC has also gained some new vampires, Wicked and Truth and more who are tired of Vittoro's murderous ways, want to come on board.

- Mon

Fang Rating VVV

Friday, December 7, 2012

Finished Incubus Dreams Book 12

The book was filled with details and intimate interaction between Anita and the men in her life.
The adeur has transitioned Anita from a prudish young woman who takes pride  in being celibate to
an almost promiscuous woman. If she does not feed the Adeur then those that belong to her ie. Damian will start to die.  So now she has no choice but to give in and feed the Adeur which mainly means to have crazy mad sex with whom ever is around and willing.  The other aspect of the Aduer is that because it needs to be fed about every 6 hours she can not use the same  people they will not survive all of that loving.  She can literally love a person to death.  In book 11 Anita has accidentally formed another triumvirate between herself, Nathaniel, and Damian.  Nathaniel becomes a little more assertive because he wants to actually have a full relationship with Anita a not just be he Pomedesang.  Michah is still around him and his larger than life better have.   In this book JC, Anita, and Richard finally become a triumvirate.  Although I was excited that Richard came back into the picture, it was not what I would have hoped for, then again I am a romantic at heart.  There is a crime to be solved and vampires to be executed.  Anita continues to battle with herself she doubts that she can continue to help the police and is learning how to let go somewhat.  She is realising that she does not have to fix every problem, cause when one evil person is demolished another comes in to take there place.  With in the series we see Anita experience personal growth,  she begins to go out of her comfort zone for the people in her life she loves.
Fang Rating: V V V V