Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Finished Ice Storm

Madame Isobel Lambert aka the Ice Queen has quite the love hate relationship with her man, Killian, Serfin, and all the other names he has. There relationship was built on lies since she was a teenager and this book has great flashbacks during to that time which gave a perfect backdrop to the love history between Isobel and Killian but also lets the reader into why Isabol is the way she is. This book was another great one, I didn't enjoy it as much as Taka but nevertheless it was a great read and I really really liked it. I loved how, once again, the book added in all the other characters from the past books even more so than any of the other stories. Bastien and his kids, Peter wife's getting prego, Taka and Summer in Tokoyo, and nasty old Sir Harry who met his final days at the end of the book. I really liked Madame Lambert's character which for me is a deciding factor on most cases as to how much  I like the book and I loved Killian too. My fav line, " I would have killed him for your princess"! I loved how he called her princess and I loved how this book stood out as different from all the rest although equally entertaining. In the end, Madame Lambert did not disappoint! Moving on to Reno, hoping I can get past the hair!

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

Finished Blue Ice

Take me Taka take me!!! What a great book! Bastien is my number one but this is definitely my second favorite! This story is about Taka and Summer. Summer comes from a rich Hollywood family and is a plain but gorgeous art curator? Well, she got her degrees in art history and holds the key to the famous Urn which her Japanese godmother left her. Little does she know that a powerful man from a cult is after the Urn to complete his plan of Armageddon which is were the Committee comes in to save the day...aka operative Taka who takes what he wants without asking!!! Taka is a great character and I liked Summer to, not a winy as Genvieve and their adventure is a good one, with twists and turns at every bend. Taka is beyond sexy and I love all of the Japanese culture, etc that is in this book. One I could truly get lost in. I also love how Anne Stuart, the author, brings in past characters and gives us updates on their were abouts and includes them in the current story. This book definitely leads up to Madame Lambert's story which is up next! Love these books, love Anne Stuart's writing!!

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

Friday, February 15, 2013

Finished Cold As Ice

This is the second book in Anne Stuart's Ice series and it was another fast read! This story was about Peter Jensen, the man who helped save Bastien and came to tell him that Chloe was still in trouble in the first book. Well now, it is Peter aka Madsen?'s time to fall in love and rescue the girl. Jensen's love interest is as he sometimes calls her, "Genny" Spenser, the mouthy New York lawyer. I liked her but I must admit I like Chloe more. Genny gets in the way of one of Peter's kills and ends up being kidnapped by him and once again he cannot kill her but falls in love with her. This was a great book. I really enjoyed it, Peter was a bit funny in his sarcastic way but there was no profession of love at the end of this book which I think is why I liked it a little less. However, saying that, it did leave the ending more up to your imagination...we don't know who Genvieve got to Peter's London home, last she was told by him he didn't want to see her so something major must have happened to convince her to go make a home for herself in HIS home! All is well that ends well, Madame Lambert told him to his home needed a woman's touch and that is exactly what he got. An added bonus to this book is that we get an update on Chloe and Bastien and get to meet our apparently, very sexy, next runner up Takashi O'Brien! The more exotic the happier I am! On to see what number 3 has in store!

- Mon
Fang Rating VVVV

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Finished Black Ice!!

You know Carol and I really like a book when we finish it in less than a week! This was great book! This is book is about Bastien and Chole's love story which totally took me away! It had everything, sex, violence, action, drama, a little bit of mystery. It had it all and not too much, just enough to make it tasteful and the reader coming back for more. This book had me intrigued from the beginning, I had no idea where it was going or how it was going to end! I loved the characters and I also really enjoyed the author's writing style. I wish I knew to pay attention to the other character's more as the "Committee" is introduced which is an organization that all of her following books lead off from. Great book, great ending, great name! "My name is Sebastian". He is up there with one of my fav leading guys. Already halfway through the next book and can't get enough. Go Anne Staurt! So glad we found ya!

Fang Rating VVVVV

Friday, February 8, 2013

I Simply Loved Black Ice!!!!

I could not put down the book it was Amazing!!!  Waring it does not have fangs but it does have the danger aspect we love.  Bastian might as well be  a Vampire because he is sexy, dangerous, dark, mysterious, and great at making a girl forget she is in danger.  How could someone so dangerous also be the Sexy Hero.  Well it happens this book is a definite must read.  I also loved the character of Chloe she is wholesome and innocent yet daring enough to give into this intimidating passionate sexual attraction with a dangerous mysterious man.   Having to choose between the lesser of two evils is not so bad if one of your choices happens to be Bastian.  Chloe finds herself wanting to return to her nightmare.  Anne Stuart does a great job of giving you enough information so that you know what is happening yet leaving something for the imagination.  It totally captivated me I was transposed to Paris for 4 days.. Yes that is how long it took me to read it.  I am having a little trouble moving on as Bastain has become dear to my heart, great character. Ummmmmmmmmm!

Fang Rating  VVVVV

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Finished Vampire Desire

Well this Noctural Bite bites! So much so that I will skip the others we have listed and move on! This short story was about a woman vampire and a "cancellor" which is a half breed vampire and human, and how they fall in love. I know it was a short story but it was too quick for me and the story was predictable. The love scene was okay but if I am not connected to the characters then there is not much I will enjoy. I will keep the others on the list in my back pocket for being stuck in the walmart line but I am ready for a more gripping indepth book right now. So off to Ice!

Fang Rating V

Monday, February 4, 2013

Finished Shadow of Night

Kinda a weird title huh? This was the much anticipated second book in the Discovery of Witches series. This book continued on the extremely creative adventure of time spinning that vampire, Matthew de Clermont and witch Diana Bishop set out on. Thank God, I had this book since the first one cut off so abruptly. I think I liked the first book better just because everything was more new and exciting! This book however was very exciting it just dragged on a bit and I got lost with too many characters. This was a very interesting book, I would definitely recommend it as it was recommended to me. I loved the spells in this book and ALL witchy and goddess aspects! The love scene were okay but were missing something....When I heard about this new series I was hoping, like always for another Twilight or Sookie and although this book was incredibly creative, romantic and femine feminine power! Rock On! however I could put it down. It took me a long time to finish...but one thing that kept me going was I have to like the characters and I did love Diana and Matthew. Although a bit scattered, this book a series is a must read due to the sheer creativity and twisting plot alone! I must admit however long it dragged on I did get a little teary when everyone was reunited at the end. How do people come up with this stuff? Regardless, I will always be there to read it! We will be on the look out for the third and final book to the series as there is still so many loose ends to tie up. (SPOILER ALERT) Did the book really finish without Diana finding out Em has passed?? The twins and Diana's father was a great touch!

Fang Rating VVVV