Thursday, March 28, 2013

Jericho Barrons! Take your pick!

Finished Bloodfever!

Another amazing book and fast read for me! This was the second installment of the Fever series which definitely takes us one step further into the dark Dublin fae world. A lot happens in this book as Mac continues to get challenged and challenged which I feel she rises to at every occasion. I think the most significant part of this book her capture from Malluce and her and Barrons finally doing the dirty in the down and dirty place that Malluce had her kept! Not the way I would have wanted it but knowing them, and their love/hate relationship I guess it makes sense. Mac also got to say goodbye and heal a little with a strange encounter with Alina thanks to V'lane. New characters like Dina were also introduced and Mac finds out (spoiler alert) that she is adopted thanks to her encounter with Rowena. Hence her Dad visits as well! We also learn about Rowena and her PHI organization of female seers that she runs and the "real" meaning behind the shamrock! My favorite part of the book, and one that screams woman power, is when Mac is leaving Rowena's office and says. " I am no one's puppet, Rowena, not his, not Barrons, not yours". Yes! It is after this Mac realizes she is truly on her own, can trust no one and starts to draw out her board of all the major players in this game and where they fit in. A sad moment for me because I am always routing for Barrons :( So onward it is for me, hoping for love and man, if I get to book 5 and there is none, I will be disappointed. By this stage, I am totally hooked in the dark and hoping for the best.

Fang Rating


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finished Darkfever!

My new favorite series so far! I am already on Bloodfever, book 2 in this series and absolutely loving it! This is my kind of book, great writing, woman power, great mystery, great magic, sexual tension and great characters! This book has it all and I can't put it down. This book is MacKayla Lane, aka Mac or Ms. Lane, as Barrons calls her, story on how her life got turned upside down while searching for her sister's killer in Dublin. Many things are revealed to her on her search, that Fae exist and that her and her sister were Nulls, special girls that can see and freeze Fae which in this case is extremely important since the Fae, especially one kind, the Unseelie in particular are taking over and killing off the human race. Streets and whole sections of neighborhoods are disappearing...and MacKayla is constantly learning and uncovering secrets about this new dark world and new dark self she lives in. Helping her to navigate and survive in this new danagerous world is Jericho Barrons, a sexy male with special powers of his own that is using Mac's talents to help find Fae relics. She and he are on the search for the Sinsar Dubh and although Jereicho has saved her life, his intentions are very unclear for this Mysterious man with a capital M. Although a great story, this is definitely a intro book, giving the reader, Mac's background, why she is in Dublin, who and what she is fighting for, who the major players are and a basis of info on the Fae world. Since this book ends and Bloodfever begins so smoothly it is hard for me to remember the ending of this book in particular and I don't want to give any spoilers sine I enjoyed this book so much! Thank you Ireland! Thank you Fae! I needed this!

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

Friday, March 22, 2013

Cold as Ice

This book is about Peter Morsen who we when he went to warn Bastain that Chloe was in danger he is also part of the Committee.  He finds himself attracted to Genevieve Spenser.  She is a lawyer for a wealthy firm that would do anything to please there clients.  Peter is dangerous and sexy.  This book is filled with action and suspense.  Although it is clear that there is a definite attraction between the two it is unclear as to how they will manage to be together and give into that attraction.  I really enjoy Anne Stewarts style of writing.  I can live in the life's of these characters and not want to leave.  And that for me means I love the book.  Peter battles within himself about this insane notion that he cares about what happens to Genevieve.  But he does and now he must act on those feelings in spite of the mission or his own logic.  Genevieve is a fighter and tough just the type of woman who can handle being around a group of people like those in the committee.
I really did like this book.
Fang Rating; V V V V V

Angels 4 Rapture

I always enjoy reading JR Ward.  The book was a Little bit of a curve ball.  For the first time we see one of the lost souls get a second chance at redemption.  Mathias comes back from the fiery pits of Devina's hellish wall.  When he comes back he has no memory of his past life,  however he does feel this overwhelming sensation that he wants to set things right somehow.  Adrian is having a hard time with the loss of Eddie and Jim hates the position of savior.  Jim is hung up on Sissy a sacrifice of Devina trapped in hell.  I enjoyed seeing the identity of the Maker and getting a glimpse of the inner battles each character faces including our fallen angels.  But the most disturbing part of the book is Ad's selflessness act, he now bears the scars of what it means to put others first no matter the cost to you.  I really do hope he can return to normal it just isn't the same if Ad is not a Bigger than Bad, Hotter that Hot, Bad Ass with piercings and all .  There's just something extremely attractive about the notion that someone that looks so dangerous and gorgeously appealing is actually on of God's Angels our Warrior.  So come on JR lets set this right!  Looking forward to the next one.
Fang Rating: V V V V

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Finished Rapture Angels 4!

Well, I am soo happy to finally finish this long ass book! I was soo excited at first, thinking of Issac Rothe, one of my fav characters from the Angels who was in book 3, which I really liked but was a little disappointed with this one. This is probably my least favorite book of the whole series although some pretty cool things happened in it. To sum up, spoiler alert beware, J.R. Ward finally confirmed Dog is the Maker, which I have been suspecting and a conclusion with the whole Sissy issue is coming to a head. This book had a great ending, it definitely set me up for the next book. I want to see what is up with that house they moved into, poor Ad with his new condition (downward dog) and Jim made a deal with Devina to get Sissy back. Tons of good stuff coming, it just seemed like it took FOREVER to get there. I loved the story, liked the romance, love Jim and Ad and Devina who I feel closer too because of the last three books but all the fighting and some details that literally put me to sleep could have been left out. Not my fav but still love J.R. Ward for a good twisty ending and some surprises along the way. Onward Upward!

Fang Rating VVV
- Mon