Thursday, October 13, 2011

Finished Sookie Companion

Wow, what a nice breath of fresh air this book was! Came in perfect time too since I was still going through True Blood withdraw. There is a great short story called, Small-Town Wedding, where Quinn comes back to win Sookie back. I loved having Quinn back because there was so much going on when they ended their relationship in the books and we got to revisit that. Besides this story however, there is not a whole lot of dialog in this book. It has a timeline, literally a play by play of happened each day, for all of the books, then interviews with Charlaine and Alan Ball answering questions from fans, which I enjoyed more than the timeline. This book has everything including a recipes! But by far, my favorite part of this book were the "Secret Dialogues of Bill and Eric". They had me laughing out loud! It also mentions all of the other Sookie short stories and the order in which they should be read of the books...which prompted me to download, A Touch of Dead. I guess a real fanatic could go back and read each book and the short story that follows it in order..however, I am a mom and don't have THAT much free time :) This book is a great resource, one I wish I had when reading the books! Five fangs for this companion, it had a little bit of everything!

Fang Rating: VVVVV


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