Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Finished Eclipse for the 3rd time!

Give it a rest right? Right! That is exactly what I am doing after this one. I will wait to read Breaking Dawn until Breaking Dawn Part II the movie comes out just cause I want to read something where I don't know what happens next. However, I really enjoyed reading this again, not as much as the first or second time but it was still beautiful especially at the end when she chooses Edward after she realizes she is in love with Jacob. So touching and we can understand now because of Renesme why the pull between Jacob and Bella is so strong. The ending was my favorite part this time around although I still enjoyed the tent scene!

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

True Blood Episode 5.01


Link to story below : Episode 5.01

“Turn! Turn! Turn!”
Airdate: June 2012
Gallery: Promotional Photos | Screencaps

Casting Call – added 10.26.11

Filming on True Blood season 5 gets underway shortly, and we have the scoop on new characters being cast for the season premiere, titled “Turn! Turn! Turn!” Ready?
The werewolf community is in an uproar following Marcus’ death in the season 4 finale. The show is casting Rikki, a “dirty-beautiful werewolf” in her mid-20s who wants to know what happened to Marcus. She’s a recurring character, so it sounds like she could cause trouble for Sam and Alcide.
Speaking of Alcide, are we about to meet Herveaux Senior? True Blood is casting J.D., a “particularly large Marine-type” werewolf in his 50s, for a recurring role. He refuses to acknowledge the new pack leader, which sounds awfully similar to a certain storyline in book 5. A confirmed parental unit is Annie, Marcus’ mother, who shows up to find out what happened to her son. She’s a powerful, respected werewolf within the pack and is determined to perform a particular ritual.
Meanwhile, it sounds like Sam might be in trouble. A pair of weres, Danielle and Kenneth, are being cast in connection with a prisoner who is being interrogated…about the death of Marcus? Or something else?
We’ll meet Holly’s two teenage sons, Rocky who thinks his Mom is an idiot (as teenagers do) and Wade who still gives her the benefit of the doubt.
Jason and Jessica are still hot and heavy, attending a frat party together where they meet Cammy, who’s totally into Jason, and Zander who has the hots for Jessica. It’s not all gravy for the pair, though. The show is casting Buddy, a friend of Hoyt’s who works on the Renard Parish road crew and mocks Jason.
In addition to Nora, the Authority double-agent (and sired sister of Eric), we’ll meet Hayes, a large vampire of Eastern European descent who the Authority send to deliver the True Death to “some other vampires”. Thinking back to why Nan visited Bon Temps last, are those “other vampires” Bill & Eric? In possibly related casting, the show is looking for a woman to play Cat, a no-nonsense vampire in her 40s who works with the vampire underground railroad. Who is she helping get out of Bon Temps? Or is she helping someone get into Bon Temps?
And finally, we’ll be flashing back to when Sookie was 12 and being bullied by a couple of boys in gym class. Via her telepathy, she reveals something private about one of them, Donnie, which both confuses and pisses him off.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Breaking Dawn Part 1

For me it could not have been any better. I simply loved it......hats off to all members of the cast and crew. They managed to bring to life this awesome story. The wedding was great. The emotions evident on everyones face. From charlie, Rene,Bella herself, Edward and last but not least Jake. Wow it really did exceed all my expectations. Stephanie you should truly be proud of your story and the way it was brought to life. I am truly a Twimom and proud.


I couldn't agree with you more Carol! We had a blast watching it! The best movie of all four!

- Mon

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Edward's new hair cut sucks!

Okay, here I go......Edward has lost a little of his zeal for me and when competing with the likes of Big E, you better bring it homeboy! It is not his fault, I am blaming it on whoever is doing hair and makeup for Eclipse and Breaking Dawn. With each movie, his hair has gotten shorter and shorter, in my opinion, making him look worse and worse, less dangerous, less sexy, less timeless. It goes against the dramatic and doesn't accentuate his beautiful features. Please see my examples of this below, the evidence speaks for itself! You are dorking him out people!!!            - Mon

Edward in Twilight

Edward in Eclipse

Edward in Breaking Dawn Part 1

Breaking Dawn Premier Pics

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Christina Perri Breaking Dawn Video!!!!!

Cover for Deadlocked is here!

Straight from my fav fansite http://www.ericandsookie.com/
"Woot! The cover art for the next Sookie book, Deadlocked, is here! The green light/ring in which we see Sookie leaping  is no doubt the Cluvier Dor (which basically grants Sookie a wish). How will Sookie use it to fix things with Eric, who is betrothed to the Queen of Oklahoma against his will? Will she use it for that at all? Can’t wait to find out! "

PS Is that Alcide??? - Mon!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kristen Stwart's 'Breaking Dawn' confessions to Parade magazine

One excerpt below, for more questions and answers Click Here!

On Bella and Edward "hating each other.""They’re in love, but Edward and Bella are at complete odds in this story. For the first time, you actually feel like they kind of hate each other. I played a moment that was so wrong-feeling to me, it so betrayed everything that I’ve played up until this point. I hated Edward. I truly looked at him like, 'You better steer clear and stay away from me.' Bella turns into a feral animal. She’s protective. She’s a mother. It’s stronger than anything she’s ever felt."

And this pic below is for Carol, who would always talk about how Edward was "loosing it" in the first part of BD!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Finished!! The Sookie Stackhouse Companion.......

Well Just finished reading the companion and it was great.  I am a sucker for a little insight information.  Although the main story is about Sookie and her friendship with Sam it was good  to read.  The story does reference to what Sookie does during the day while Big E is sleeping.  There is very little interaction with Eric.  But we do see Quin and Alcide again.  We also get some recipes like Caroline's award winning Chocolate cake.  The Conversations between Eric and Bill give us a little more of an insight on the dynamics between the two.  There is also a different timeline that is associated with each of the books.  I think it would be good to use while reading the books.  Overall it was very good.
It was fun and light reading I would definitely recommend it.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Meet Eric Northman’s Sister??!!!

I don't know....this (she) better be good....I am hopeful but the farther away from the books they get, the more concerned I become :(  Don't screw it up Alan Ball! I have faith in you and miss Big E dearly!

From our favorite fansite, ericandsookie.com:

This season we are going to meet Eric Northman’s “sister”… another progeny of our beloved Godric. Her name is Nora and she is going to be played by the stunning British actress Lucy Griffiths of BBC’s Robin Hood. Her character is “working as a double agent within the Vampire Authority. Described as intelligent, intimidating, cool under pressure and a very good liar, Nora loves Eric deeply, but has dedicated her life to a higher purpose.” Can’t wait to meet dear sis and see how similar she is to Eric. The description sounds quite a bit like him!


Finished Twilight for the 3rd time!!

Yes, I have a problem! lol! I thought since I am going to read Breaking Dawn for the upcoming movie release why not just start from the beginning! I also had a marathon movie watching of the first three films with my mama which also prompted me to READ ON! It was great, like always, the beginning sucks you in, sometimes I get tired of their impossible talks and I love the beginning, the dinner (mushroom ravioli), etc much more than the end with James are her in the hospital! Always fun, of course less powerful then my first entry into Forks (a life altering experience)!

- Mon

Latest Single from Breaking Dawn Part 1

I am dying to know in what scene they will play this and WHO is it about? I listen intently to the lyrics but can't decide....Edward to Bella...or Jacon to Bella? What do you think?