Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Kristen Stwart's 'Breaking Dawn' confessions to Parade magazine

One excerpt below, for more questions and answers Click Here!

On Bella and Edward "hating each other.""They’re in love, but Edward and Bella are at complete odds in this story. For the first time, you actually feel like they kind of hate each other. I played a moment that was so wrong-feeling to me, it so betrayed everything that I’ve played up until this point. I hated Edward. I truly looked at him like, 'You better steer clear and stay away from me.' Bella turns into a feral animal. She’s protective. She’s a mother. It’s stronger than anything she’s ever felt."

And this pic below is for Carol, who would always talk about how Edward was "loosing it" in the first part of BD!

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