Friday, February 24, 2012

Charlaine Harris's FB post yesterday !

I'm working hard on Sookie 13, preparing for Sleuthfest, and looking forward to a calendar that's crowded until mid-May. I've been at home for three months now, so I guess it's time to haul out the suitcase and start my travels.
 Sad stuff, final Sookie book :(           - Mon

Monday, February 20, 2012

Finished VH 4 Lunatic Cafe!

Where do I begin? Well, I can begin by saying that I had high expectations for this book since I read online that JC (Jean-Claude) and Anita start dating in this book.  Just a side note, the author always trips me out with this word “dating” that she always uses. I think it is a little out “dated” but hey, so is the beeper and the VCR…these books were written in the 80’s! So, they do start dating but it came about in a way that I least expected, not so hot and heavy and an engagement from Richard that I did NOT see coming!!! The author always delivers with a great mystery and surprises at every turn which she always bring together beautifully in the end. Although I could have had more of JC in this book, I did like the action with Richard! Esp when he eyes started to change at the full moon! I think this book is very important, like all, to the developing love relationship between Anita and JC. She admits she loves him, he acknowledges JC somewhat as Richard’s equal and I think this whole dating Richard thing will steer her to realizing she is just like JC, a monster. I always love the last line in these books and I think are used to sum up the book, “I had the swan skin mounted in a tasteful frame, behind glass. I hung it in the living room. It matched the couch. Richard doesn't like it. I like it just fine.” This speaks volumes…it will not last with her and Richard, they are too different, she is too ruthless for him! This being said, the motivation too keep reading these books when she always leaves us hanging is starting to affect Mon and Carol so there better be some sexual lovin with JC or we may have to take a break for some action with J. R. Ward's Angels!
Fang Rating: VVVV
-          Mon

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Finished Book 4 Lunatic Cafe!!!

Well my fellow blogger's I just finished reading Lunatic Cafe Book 4 and it was so good.  I must be completely honest, I am far more interested in the developing love affair between Anita and Jean Claude than I am with the solving mystery part of the books.  So needless to say that my favorite line of the book is of the two of them.  Do you love me, ma petite?"I stared into Gretchen's rage-filled face and said, "I don't suppose you'd believe me if I said no?""Can you not simply say yes?""Yes, in some dark, twisted part of my soul, I love you. Happy?"He smiled. "How can you marry him if you love me?""I love him, too, Jean-Claude."
Well that is what is keeping me hooked.  I just need to know more and although the book was great and I read it extremely fast at the end it left me wanting more.  I didn't feel fulfilled with the ending.  I thought that she could have given us the readers a little more insight.  But I was interested and the mystery is always a surprise so she is a great writer.  I'm just looking for more hot love and romance.  Hopefully she will give me some of that soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am moving on to book 5 and I'm hoping for the best.
Fang rating VVVV

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Two of my favs from Pinterest!

Pinterest is awesome! Got a board just for vampires! Enjoy! Sorry Edward! - Mon

Friday, February 10, 2012

Finished Circus of the Damned!! Book 3

I am Hooked!!!! The sexual tension between Anita and Jean Claude is too much.....
I agree witth Mon the ending was totally unexpected.  I would never have guessed that Alejandro
would mark Anita 4 times therefore undoing the 3 Marks Jean Claude had given her. The book starts out strong and continues strong full of battles, flirting, sexual tensions.  In this book she continues to have those erotic dreams of her and Jean Clausde but she is aware of the dream it is almost as if he is allowing her to see waht his most deepest desire is.  He wishes that she would love him and allow him to love her back.  She considers him a monster but in a wierd kind of way she is a monster as well.  She raises zombies, executes vampires and is a nacromancer.  That does not make her a normal human either! I must say that the ending fustrated me alot and then some but I suppose that is good cause now i'm hooked.  The Vamoire Hunter Series has 20 books and I plan on reading every single one.  The ending was very important becuse Anita pratically kills herself to save Jean Claude.  She begins to admit to herself that she does love him in some way.  My favorite line of the book is "She wants you, Master," Stephen said. There was laughter in his voice, derision. "I can smell her desire."Jean-Claude turned just his head, staring at Stephen. "As can I." The words were innocent, but the feeling behind them wasn't. His voice slithered around the room, low and full of a terrible promise.  I think Jean claude can sense that she is in love with hime but he also knows that she will not admit it to herself or him YET!!!!! 
Fang rating VVVV

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Who Does Sexy Best?

Entertainment magizine's new cover has people asking, who does sexy best? This pic again from my fav I HAVE to start watching the Vampire Diaries again! I can watch them instantly on nextflix but when I am going to find the time???? Of course, I think Big E does sexy best, hands down!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Finished VH 3 Circus of the Damned

OMG what just happened???? I am almost too upset to give my opinion right now! However, when I am upset it means that the book was REALLY good or I would not be soo emotionally involved.  I guess I am dying to get started on book 4 but also trying to take in everything that just happened! Thank goodnesss I have Carol and her RBLs (read between the lines) to process this with! So in this book there are a group of rogue vamps trying to over throw the Master of the City, Jean-Claude, and use Anita do it! This book really starts to scratch of the surface on how deep the love between Anita and Jean-Claude really goes and had me guessing until the very end! Spoiler alert, at the end of this book, all of Jean-Claude’s marks were erased which leaves poor little Anita, Ms. Vampire Hunter herself feeling empty and finally admitting, “I might even, in some dark corner, love him a little”.  Now that I have calmed down from that shocker, I must say that I loved the dialog in this book between Jean-Claude and Anita, the sexual tension and love for each other continues to build and some amazing things are revealed. Anita’s walls are starting to fall down along with her perspective on being romantically involved with “monsters”. At first Anita said she would never date a lycanthrope but is now dating Richard, which will hopefully pave the way to her dating “a walking corpse” aka the gorgeous and sexy Jean-Claude. She also admits in the end that she herself is not any less of a human than Richard by being a zombie queen and necromancer which is also very key in her changing feelings for Jean-Claude and moves her towards admitting they are not that different! I also must add that I am starting to see a theme in the book titles...each title is where her and JC meet in that particular story...Overall the fang rating on this is very high as I got quite worked up reading it! Now onto 4!
Fang Rating VVVVV

True Blood Upcoming Events

    14 Feb 12
  • Ryan Kwanten on "New Girl" on Fox
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  • "Melancholia" DVD Released (Alexander Skarsgård)
  • 1 May 12
  • Sookie Stackhouse Book 12 "Deadlocked" Released (Charlaine Harris)
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  • "What to Expect When You're Expecting" Debuts (Joe Manganiello)
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Monday, February 6, 2012

Finished VH 2 Laughing Corpse!!!

Book two of the Vampire Huntress Series the Laughing Corpse was good.  I  am really getting into this series, so glad there are about 20 books.  Anita's character is very witty and strong yet feminine. I am loving Jean Claude and can't wait to read more about their relationship.  While reading these books I feel as if I am finding out at the same time as they are what thier feelings for one another are.  For me personally I know I am reading a good book when I finish reading one and can't wait to pick up the next.  Favorite line of the book is when Anita sees Jean Claude for the 1st time since book 1.
"No lies, ma petite, I can feel your desire." His tongue flicked across his lips. "I can taste it."   Simply said this is a must read.  ma petite. Not lust, but desire.
Casual lust is easily defeated," he said. He stood
in one smooth motion. "What we have is not casual,

Fang rating VVVVV


Thursday, February 2, 2012

Finished Reading Guilty Pleasures! Vampire Hunter Book 1!

Guilty Pleasures is the 1st book of the Vampire Huntress Series.  Since it is the 1st book we start to meet all the characters the primary character is Anita Blake she is a kick ass vampire hunter.  Although it is legal to be a Vampire there are cases that the courts approve the murder of Vampires!!!  We meet what I think is Anita's Vamp love interest Jean Claude.. I think he is interesting, Gorgeous, and Sexy from the way she describes him.  We start to learn about the connection that develops between a human and a Vamp,  when a Vampire Marks them.  My favorite part of the book was at the end when she tells Jean Claude "stop playing with my mind, Jean Claude." " What ever do you mean?" he asked.  " I know that the otherwordly beauty is a trick. So stop it."  "I am not doing it," he said.  "What is that supposed to mean?"  "when you have the answer, Anita, come back to me and we will talk."
That simple exchange is what makes me look forward to what is to come!!
I would recommend this series because it has just begun and it is very exciting to see what is next.

Fang Rating VVVV

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Just Finished Reading A Touch Of Dead.............

I must say that all of the stories in the book were wonderful.  It felt really good to read what Sookie has been up too and to peek into her everyday life. It also refreshed my memories on all the wonderful stories of the different books.  By far Sookie will always be my Fav.  character.  Of course it would not be me if i did not say that I would have thoroughly enjoyed some BIG E action.  If she had given me some Big E then I would have been extremely happy. But for all you Sookie fans this is a must read.  It's great to read while we are waiting for the next book.

Fang Rating: VVVV
