Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Finished Fifty Shades of Grey!

OMFG! Good thing Carol did a great recap on the basic storyline of the book but I don't know if I am up for it after just finishing this! Too soon! I was open but also with slightly low expectations as I read this book, knowing that my cousin said that the author's writng sucked and the "inner goddess" got on her nerves. Well, I throughly enjoyed the book, had to start on the next right away and am definetly emotionally hooked!!! So much so that it even got a little weird at times because, like Carol said, because the book is soo descriptive you feel like you are having these experiences right along with Christain and Anasatia...I love the names in this book by the way! I can definetly see the similarities with Twilight and see how the author got inspired by the Twilight series, the old car with problems, the erratic loveable mother, Ana's innocence, him telling her to eat all the time, etc. Suprisingly there is also some very insightful relationship advice sprinkled throughout the book. For example, I love when Ana's mom says, " You see, Ana, men think that anything that comes out of a woman’s mouth is a prob­lem to be solved. Not some vague idea that we’d like to kick around and talk about for a while and then forget. Men prefer action.” Very true indeed! So I would say YES, the book does live up to the hype, be prepared to feel weird and swept away!

Fang Rating VVVV
- Mon

Monday, June 25, 2012

True Blood 502

Sunday nights have become quite thrilling at my house that's for sure.  I anxiously await to see what will happen next.  The 1st episode was full of action and so this one is a little slower but still  maintain the ability to captivate Me completely.  Tara is now a Vampire and she does not appreciate the fact and has Vowed to never forgive Sookie and Lafayette for this.  Bill and the One and only Big E are being held captive by the authority.  They are being held and questioned.  During the interrogation the administration gets rough buy administering an IV drip of a silver solution.  Though I'm sure it is pain full for them , they look very sexy and strong, they do not give away any self incriminating information.  Bill comes up with a great idea on how to get them both free by offering up Russell and admitting that they did not kill him.  Sookie has not even realised that both Eric and Bill have gone missing.  And the funniest part of the evening is when Newton comes to Jessica and offers to pay her 10,000.00 $$$$ for Jason.  She bargains it up to 20,000.00 by describing Jason's delectable butt.  Only to them tell him NO I do not sell my Friends.

Looking foward to the next episode....

Fifty Shades of Grey!!!!!!!!!!!!

There is lots of hype about this book.  I must be up front and warm everyone that this is not about Vampires but it is very alluring.  The book is being referred by some as Mommy Porn.  Thus I decided to check it out lord knows I have read several risky and provocative books here recently.  That is how my love of Mr Grey began,  some would say curiosity killed the cat.  I simply loved reading this book.  It was fully of sexual tension, passion desire for the not allowed.  It is dark yet sexy and it makes a girl wonder how much she would be willing to do for the Man that makes her heart skip several beats.  Christian Grey is definitely a bad boy who is extremely rich and powerful.  Seattle's most eligible Bachelor.  Yet he has an extremely dark side, he enjoys BDMS relationships he is the Dominant and he only wants Submissive.  When he meets Anastasia she is 21 years old and still a virigin.  He plans on making her his next Sub.  And this I must say is a concept most people have heard about but really don't know much about.  The book is so descriptive that I often felt shy about reading it.  It was as if I was reading it with one eye shut so I could not see the full picture.  The writer does an excellent job of making you feel as if your were right there with Christan and Ana.  At times I felt like my thoughts mirrored the inner goddess.  Yes I must admit it was just like what Christian said to Ana I will Punish you and F*** you Hard and you will like it and ask for more.  Strong words from a strong character great reading.  R rating for adults only.  I think all women should give into there inner goddess and read Fifty Shades of Grey you will not be disappointed.
Fang Rating VVVVV

Monday, June 18, 2012

TB Episode 502

This episode was def a little lame compared to the last one but I think it is setting up for a great one next week. Tara has turned and is out of control, I am glad she declared at the end that she will never forgive them because for a while I didn't know if she remembered anything from her previous life and was full savage! The dynamic duo are continuing to get themselves out of tough situations and I liked the introduction to the authority members! Cruel punishment and Mr. SUV was surprisingly very good. I think I am liking him in this role. I always love Steve Newland, dancing into Jessica's party was a classic that made me smile. Not too many laugh out loud moments for me but I did smirk at Big E constant smart ass remarks. Of course, I loved him saving Pam and looking forward to getting deeper into their relationship. Where is the whole Alcide thing going? We don't know, I heard him asking about Debbie next episode so we will see how Sookie gets out of this one. And last but not least, one of my fav new characters is Emma's grandma! Classy chic!

                  BTW,  For all your Vampire Hunter fans, this is how I picture Anita Blake! Liking her!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Finished BDB Lover Reborn

Lover Reborn is the 10th book in one our favorite series here at Fanging On, Black Dagger Brotherhood and it does not disappoint! I wasn't too hot of book 9 so I didn't want to get my hopes up but this definitely delivered. It is about our beloved, Thor, whose love interest, spoiler alert, is No'One, Xhex's mama! If you have read the other books, with that plot alone you know that it will be way juicy! Thor is struggling to get on with his life after losing his shellan, Weslie, and in the end all become reborn. Perfect title, perfect ending, as are most of her books. I loved this book because we got to revisit other characters from the other books, John, one of my favs, and we got more from a angel named Lassiter. She leads this wide open for so many more books to come. What will happen with Quinn, Layla and Xcor, I am already really diggin Xcor, as I have a big sore spot for rough necks! Holla! This book was tons of fun, and the author always surprises me and makes me cry. I remember crying at the end of the first book in her series with King Wrath and I did it again in this one. I like how the author is realistic about the difficulties of life and love in a fantasy setting and fangs, biting and more fangs! I want Xcor!

Fang Rating VVVVV
- Mon

Monday, June 11, 2012

"I am not leaving you"

Favorite stills from Season 5, Episode 1

True Blood Season 5 Episode 1!@!!

It was well worth the wait.  The season 5 started out with a Bang!!!  One hour is all it took to answer the cliffhanger question yet create new ones. No Tara is not Dead! I loved the fact that Lafayette asked Pam to turn Tara!! ( that was totally unexpected).  We all know that she we hates vampires.  Favorite line of  the Night was Pam's.... (I'm wearing a Wal-Mart sweat suit as if that's not enough of a team player....LOL  you have got to love Pam!!  Big E is Hot and off the chain and that is one wild incestuous relationship with his "sister" .  Bill was great too he looked sexy and has gone into hiding with Big E.  Jason was the funniest of the Night.  Russell escaped his concrete grave and is now with the walking. Gosh the writers for the show do such a good job at sticking to the original story line but also being creative and adding there own twist which makes the show all the more enjoyable.  If you have not watched the series I suggest you do.  It just adds to the whole Sookie Stackhouse experience.  Looking forward to Sunday nights.  You know its summer when True Blood is on...... to be continued..................................................


Finished BDB Lover Reborn Book 10

Damn that was awesome.  I don't know if that fact that I had not read anything about the brothers may this book ever more appealing but I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Yes I must admit that I could barely but it down.  I zipped right through them.  I was wonderful to meet Thor on an intimate level.  He was one of the first brothers we met but then never really got a good look into his personal life.  But I do think it was well worth the wait.  Thor was tender, loving, harsh, violent, a hard ass and sexy all wrapped all into one.  Definitely one of my favorite BDB.  JR did not disappoint,  the book revisited some of the other brothers and reminded me why I fell in love with the in the first place.  It gave us a little more background on Lassiter.  And left it wide open for "What is coming next", I can not wait for the next one.  And those are all things that made this book very good.
Fang Rating: V V V V

Friday, June 8, 2012

Kristen Stewart graces the July cover of Vanity Fair

Finished Crave, Book 2 Fallen Angels

Crave, Book 2 in the Fallen Angels series, really gets things going! It is a perfect second book which builds up the momentum of the series and adds depth to the characters. Jim, Adrian and Eddie (who I would love a book on) are fighting for the second soul in this book and Devina, although triumphs (spoiler alert) is falling for Jim! I liked this book a lot better than the first one, maybe because the characters we know were built upon and mostly because I loved Issac! One of my favorite all time characters for her....even better beating some of her vamps in BDB. This bad ass southern gentleman brought it home hard and I really liked his love interest as well, the smart attorney, Grier. The third sex scene in the wine cellar was off the chain, but I must admit my favorite part was at the end when Jim grabbed himself to entice Devina! I did not see that coming and glad finally Jim showed a little bit of his sexuality which has been put on the back burner since the beginning of the first book. For me the book dragged a little at the end, it was almost like the author was sure how to peice the ending all together but I love how this author, for the most part, always gives you a happy ending. There were a lot of twists and turns in this book and for me it was a great fast read, so looking forward to the next book.

Fang Rating VVVVV

Finished Deadlocked 12!!!!

Yikes!!!!  That was a great book, if you are a fan of the Sookie Stackhouse series then you will like this one as well.  If you continue to read forward and have not yet read book 12 then be advised their may be some spoiler.....  Where do I begin? The book started off right on cue.  There were lots of developments.  But there are still some major questions that were left unanswered.  Like what will be the consequence of killing Victor?  Will Eric marry Freyda?  Sookie did use the Cluviel Dor to save Sam's life....this I think is my Favorite!! book from the series because everything happened quite fast and we really do not know where Charlaine is going from here on out.  Eric loves Sookie and is married to her but engaged to Freyda who is a Queen and can give him lots of power.  Bill loves Sookie and is always there to offer advice and company as well.  He always knows the right thing to say and even proclaims to love Sookie more that Eric.  Sam is a long time friend, one of Sookie's best friends and she even uses the Cluviel Dor to save his life.  I completely loved this book and look forward to the next and final book of the series.

Fang Rating; VVVVV
- Carol

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Maker's Day June 10!

                    For more info on Maker's Day check out