Monday, June 18, 2012

TB Episode 502

This episode was def a little lame compared to the last one but I think it is setting up for a great one next week. Tara has turned and is out of control, I am glad she declared at the end that she will never forgive them because for a while I didn't know if she remembered anything from her previous life and was full savage! The dynamic duo are continuing to get themselves out of tough situations and I liked the introduction to the authority members! Cruel punishment and Mr. SUV was surprisingly very good. I think I am liking him in this role. I always love Steve Newland, dancing into Jessica's party was a classic that made me smile. Not too many laugh out loud moments for me but I did smirk at Big E constant smart ass remarks. Of course, I loved him saving Pam and looking forward to getting deeper into their relationship. Where is the whole Alcide thing going? We don't know, I heard him asking about Debbie next episode so we will see how Sookie gets out of this one. And last but not least, one of my fav new characters is Emma's grandma! Classy chic!

                  BTW,  For all your Vampire Hunter fans, this is how I picture Anita Blake! Liking her!

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