Thursday, October 25, 2012

Finished Cerulean Sins VH 11!!!!

Well my fellow bloggers' this one was about as good as the one before.  Anita is coming to terms with what she has become.  Anita's character has evolved sins we first met her, she used to be the executioner and she also raised Zombies.  Now she is that and much more, JC human servant, she is in a triumvirate with JC and Richard, she is a necromancer, she is Nimir-ra to the were leopards and she is the enforcer for the wolf pack.  Those are many titles to toggle among.  Each title comes with its own share of issues and Anita is trying to adapt to them all.  In book 11 we see the adeur and how much it controls her life.  She has piratically had to through out the old moral code book and start another.  Remember the vowel of celibacy she had made with herself long ago we'll she has had to forgo that as well.  because of the adeur she has sleeps with JC, Micha, and Nathaniel on a daily basis.  However in this book she adds Jason, and Asher to the growing list on conquest.  Anita is having a hard time accepting the adeur and all that comes with it (mostly promiscuit sex).  They have a dangerous encounter with other vamps and Belle Morte tries to mark her to make her into her human servant.  Dolph is losing his mind because his son has married a vampire and she wants to turn him into one because she doesn't want him to get older than 25.  As if her personal life wasn't crazy enough there is a powerful shape shifter mutilating woman.  There is lots of action and excitement and some surprising situations. Over all it was a good story but a little to crowded with side stories for me.  I personally like to be given 1 or 2 problems read about then dissect them completely solve then and the move on to the next.  Its hard to keep up when the story line changes from one sentence to the other.  Yes it comes together at the end but its like having lots of small incomplete stories simultaneously, that when never get the complete version to.
Fang Rating: VVV

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