Friday, March 7, 2014

Finished Time Untime

I really liked Ren, aka Renagde, aka some other strange tribal name I can not pronounce and won't even try to spell cause I know I will mess it up royally. I really got into the beginning of this book. I love anything having to do with Native Americans including anything related to Mayan and/or Aztec, so I enjoyed the history lesson, shall we say...I also liked Kateri, Ren's love interest and her part in the story. It was another really creative story that only this author can twist and put together so perfectly. I also liked seeing Nick in action in his new role as the Dark Hunter leader which was a surprise to me since I skipped a couple of books. I really liked Ren, the strong, silent type, loved the studder thought it was sexy as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, I always get a little caught up in the middle of these books just before the author ties it all together but I forged through to a happy ending.
On to Styxx!

Fang Rating VVVV

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Finished Ash

Wow, Achreon! Finally! I finished Ash's story, entitled Achreon - how do you really say that anyway? Well, I think this was like the 12th book or so and mostly in a row so I had to take a little break after this one. The writer is starting to get on my nerves with all of her weird names that all sound the same but different, still the steaming scenes and her creativity keep me coming back. Besides, I invested so much not to hear Ash's story, which by the way, I was a little disappointed with the description of his gal, Tory. I liked who she was and what she did but really could of used more physical description. One positive note about this series is that the author always does make the perfect soul mate for her dark hunters, the fact that Tory was Greek and Ash's history and who he was, was basically what she dedicated her life to studying and teaching really made them a great pair. So what I am trying to say is that the couples always end up being perfect for each other. Ash's story was very grim, the whole first half of the book was dedicated to his sad abused childhood and most importantly how he met Artemis and became a God in his own right. The second half took off with the love story. This is probably one of my favorite books of this series maybe just because I felt so close to Ash but I also really enjoyed getting the back story on him in which a LOT of other pieces to the Dark Hunter series came together as well.

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

Dani is 19 yrs in BURNED!

To find out more click on link below. Think this book will def be worth the wait!