Friday, March 7, 2014

Finished Time Untime

I really liked Ren, aka Renagde, aka some other strange tribal name I can not pronounce and won't even try to spell cause I know I will mess it up royally. I really got into the beginning of this book. I love anything having to do with Native Americans including anything related to Mayan and/or Aztec, so I enjoyed the history lesson, shall we say...I also liked Kateri, Ren's love interest and her part in the story. It was another really creative story that only this author can twist and put together so perfectly. I also liked seeing Nick in action in his new role as the Dark Hunter leader which was a surprise to me since I skipped a couple of books. I really liked Ren, the strong, silent type, loved the studder thought it was sexy as hell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Of course, I always get a little caught up in the middle of these books just before the author ties it all together but I forged through to a happy ending.
On to Styxx!

Fang Rating VVVV

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