Thursday, April 5, 2012

Finished Burnt Offerings VH Book 7

Well, well, well. Burnt Offerings has officially burnt me out on Ms. Anita Blake. If I would have read this book in the beginning of the series, I would have really enjoyed it. I like the spark between Anita and Nathaniel, and her role as werelepoard mother however, I am getting a bit tired of all the jumping around that happens in the Blake books, this one especially. First we are the council meeting, then we are at the scene of a crime, then we are the fire scene. Like always, it comes together in a great way but since we have been flying through these books I feel like although I think the mysteries are great, I need a break. As Carol put it, Anita (or the writer) tends to emasculate the men as she becomes stronger in the pack than Richard and his beast and just as much of a psychopath as Jean-Claude. Don't get me wrong, I like my heroine's strong, but I like her lovers strong too.

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

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