Friday, September 14, 2012

Finished Vampire Hunter 8 Blue Moon

It was great to reacquaint my self with all the characters from the Vampire Hunter Series,  Anita and JC only interact briefly at the beginning.  On that note if your a fan of Richard you will love this book.  Finally Anita and Richard resolve some of there pending issues.  We see her relationships with other characters more clearly.  What she feels towards Asher, Damian, Nathaniel, and Jason.  Raina's minum threatens to take over Anita completely and for this book that is her inner struggle to not allow Raina to take over.  Her minum is very power and necessary because of its healing powers.  Anita has to open her self up to the idea that she loves both JC and Richard.  All though the idea of being with both is unthinkable she must be honest with herself that is what she desire the most.  She desires both men.  Damian also reveals what JC gets out of the marks and how the strength of the Triumvirate grows with sex and pleasure.  Both Richard and JC new of the possibilities that there powers would increase but they did not confide in her.  I liked the interaction and communication among the characters and I feel that I actually know them all a little better.  I'm excited to read on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fang Rating VVVVV

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