Monday, July 8, 2013

Finished Last Sookie: Dead Ever After!

Dead Ever After: The long awaited LAST Sookie book! This book was a short book and a quick read but I must say I was terribly disappointed...and (SPOILER ALERT) not just cause she didn't end up with Big E! Yes, part of the reason I wasn't happy with this book is because she didn't end up with Big E, we have been reading 13 books about the development of this love affair for it to be squashed so easily! What a downer!! If Charlaine Harris knew all along (SPOILER ALERT) that she would end up with Sam then why not work more towards developing that love.. I dunno, for me it just fell flat (including the sex with Sam). It felt too much like the author was trying to end this series she was tired of writing and not write a fabulous page turner of a last book! I remember when I first started reading these books, I was so excited, I loved being in Sookie's head, in her world. I laughed out loud with her! This book and the last couple if I am completely honest, were the same way. Mrs. Harris, did tie up a lot. All the characters were taken care of, Jason was married, Arlene dead, Andy with his wife and baby on the way, Niall in Faery, Tara with her twins, Eric and Bill in thier destined spots, which are fitting of thier characters. It was a great mystery, making Claude responsible at the very end. Always a surprise ending I didn't see coming! I liked Sookie's cooking and dressing up, always my favorite parts of the books. I even enjoyed Bill getting back at Eric...the author tied things up nicely, part of me is glad Sookie will still be in the sun and has a chance to get Prego. I understand that is who Sookie is, I get that part but for me, the way it came about was dull. And don't get me started on the HBO series, which a couple of my friends who are fans of the book aren't even watching now. What was once such wonderful ideas and stories, at times when I went out to get the mail at night I remember I thought I would see Bill or Eric walking down the street. Mrs. Harris combination of the ordinary and extraordinary was what always made these books and characters so special to me! You will be greatly missed Sookie! Long live Sheriff Pam!  

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