Monday, July 29, 2013

Finished ICED, # 1 Dani Series by Karen Marie Moning

There was quite a drought for me after finishing the Fever Series which for me, was by far one of my favorite series of all time!! Right up there with Twilight and Sookie. Full of weirdness, darkness, woman power and love! What more does a gal want? I really like the characters and setting of these books, they keep me anxiously on my toes the whole time and this book, the first installment of the Dani series lived up to all my expectations. It takes place one year AWC - After the Wall Crash in a world overrun by Fae in the epicenter of it all in Dublin. It starts off with Dani 14 and hating life even though she is trying to convince herself that she loves it! She gets forced to work with Ryodan, the owner of Chester's and second in command of Barrons crew of hot wild savages! Ryodan is calculated and a bit different from Barrons but mysterious and strong none the less. It is hard to see a love growing between these two because Dani is still 14!! So this book was great but basically I feel a set up for more books to come. I just hope she grows up fast and by the way the book ended I don't see that happening in the next book. The way this author wrote the Fever Series she picks up, literally, right up from where she left off! For a sum up which will be confusing if you haven't read the Fever series, Dani evades Mac all book until the very end!! All characters are introduced, Roydan and Lor, Lor who I love by the way and want some books on! Jo working for Royden to save Dani ends up falling in love with him and they are a couple..where is this going?? This kind of bothered me and I am thinking Jo will have to die to get out of it. Dancer is beautiful, wicked smart and Dani's fav! Then Christan is back as a Unseelie Prince and is crazy obsessed with Dani. And you can't forget about Cat, the new headmistress who was being haunted by Cruce, who is still iced in the Abbey. All face off on mysterious force that is icing all of Dublin and destroying all in its path. I loved getting into this world again and want more! more! more!!  Then next book is Burned and it comes out in March! Hasta luego! 
Fang Rating VVVVV


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