Monday, August 5, 2013

Finished Twice Tempted!

I just finied the 2nd Dark Price book by Jeannie Frost, entitled Twice Tempted. Boy is this woman good at writing a love scene! Based on the last book, that fell a little short for me since I am not a huge fan of the author (think she is a bit cheese and lacks a good plot) I didn't think the 2nd book would rivel the first but it did and I was pleasantly suprised! Like I said, she is really good at writing a love scene. This was a great follow up to the first. Spoiler Alert! They get married and she turns into a Vamp! I wasn't expecting that and it helped with the page turning for sure. She cut it off at the end in what tried to be a cliff hanger so I guess more books to this series are on her way. I will def read the next but I was also happier to move on to more emotion! I am always in search of that one that can place me there and make me fall in love! Pillars? We shall see...

Fang Rating VVV

- Mon

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