Tuesday, August 23, 2011

True Blood Episode 409: Let's Get Out of Here

What can I say? It sucks having satellite because it rained and I missed the whole dream! Here are pics that leave me wanting more. The other obessive fan sites say said that in this episode although Sookie and Eric did not have any time together physically, this dream was an symbol of Sookie's love for the real Eric not just amnesia Eric. I am just going with it at this point and thinking of the moment in the books when he remembered everything that took place with them and how at this rate it will never become a reality on TV. That is okay, I will take what I can get. I did see the conclusion of the baby weirdness which I liked a lot and poor Jason, what are you doing? He is too funny though. I have to give it to Ryan Kwaten for playing a perfect Jason! Also always wondering, we have 3 episodes left and is Ms. Debbie Pelt going to be offed like she is in the books....again at this rate, I doubt it.   

This episode was great!  I like to see what Sookie is fantasising about.  Seems like Sookie has feellings for both Eric and Bill.  Hard to tell what direction the show is heading towards since it deviates from the books some.  I'm still a fan and Team E all the way.  Although... her dream was not bad at all!  Just because your on a diet that doesn't mean you can't look at the menu!!!!!!!!LOL.  Go Sookie.....Can't wait till next week.

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