Thursday, October 13, 2011

Finished Die For Me!

One of the reasons I wanted to read this book was because of its cover so I saw it fitting that I include it in my review! So cool. To me the book did not live up to the cover but I still enjoyed it none the less. This is book one of three in a teen book series so there was less action then we are used to but at the same time nice because I felt more of a connection between the two main characters, Kate and Vincent. I liked all of the characters and it had just the right mix of action and romance for me. There are no fangs in this book but supernatural creatures called "reverents" instead, very creative writing. All in all not bad for no sex and no fangs!

Fang Rating: VVVV

- Mon

Sookie Book 12 and 13 Update

Charlaine Harris just posted this on facebook. Can't wait to see the cover!

The May 2012 Sookie Stackhouse novel, "Deadlocked," is the NEXT to last Sookie. The May 2013 book will be the last one. Today I'm finishing my story for the next anthology Toni L.P. Kelner and I are editing ("An Apple for the Creature") which will not be out until next year. We're receiving some great stories for this anthology. I've seen the completed cover for "Deadlocked," by the way, and it's amazing! You go, Lisa Desimini . . .

Breaking Dawn Part 1 Director talks about birth in movie as "almost like a horror scene" and new stills! I am excitied!


If you thought that Breaking Dawn: Part 1 was going to be your run-of-the-mill tween romance movie, think again. Director Bill Condon says that the blood and intensity of the upcoming Twilight film sets it apart from all the others.
Condon tells Box Office Magazine that he thought long and hard about how to handle the “very, very intense” scenes in the movie, adding that unlike a lot of the previous Twilight scenes, this one is “almost like a horror movie.”
He goes on to say that he used David Cronenberg — who’s had a blast with blood and slicing on A History of Violence and Eastern Promises – as a bit of a model on how to make things edgy while still maintaining a teen-safe rating for the film.
“I think within the confines of a PG-13 rating, I think we’ve got something that’s pretty powerful,” Condon said.
The PG-13 rating also had to stay in check with the passionate honeymoon scene, wherein Bella and Edward — played by Kristin Stewart and Robert Pattinson — participate in some pillow-maiming love.

Finished Sookie Companion

Wow, what a nice breath of fresh air this book was! Came in perfect time too since I was still going through True Blood withdraw. There is a great short story called, Small-Town Wedding, where Quinn comes back to win Sookie back. I loved having Quinn back because there was so much going on when they ended their relationship in the books and we got to revisit that. Besides this story however, there is not a whole lot of dialog in this book. It has a timeline, literally a play by play of happened each day, for all of the books, then interviews with Charlaine and Alan Ball answering questions from fans, which I enjoyed more than the timeline. This book has everything including a recipes! But by far, my favorite part of this book were the "Secret Dialogues of Bill and Eric". They had me laughing out loud! It also mentions all of the other Sookie short stories and the order in which they should be read of the books...which prompted me to download, A Touch of Dead. I guess a real fanatic could go back and read each book and the short story that follows it in order..however, I am a mom and don't have THAT much free time :) This book is a great resource, one I wish I had when reading the books! Five fangs for this companion, it had a little bit of everything!

Fang Rating: VVVVV


Thursday, October 6, 2011

Finished Sunshine!!!

I just finished Sunshine.  It was definitely different.  I must say that although the story line was not about your typical romance between a Vamp and a human.  It was interesting and a pretty cool book to read.  I would give that book 3 fangs.  I was a little thrown off by the fact that the book did not have any chapters, because of that it felt like a run on sentence and often times the story lost some momentum.  I would suggest that you do not read it at night because it will put you to sleep.  But I do think that reading this book was ultimatley worth it.  The relationship between Sunshine and Constantine is different yet endearing. 

- Carol