Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finished Guilty Pleasures Book 1, Vampire Hunter Series

Wow was it nice to finally sink my teeth in some blood!....or at least read about it being done! This novel brought the vamps back to us HARD! She really protreys them in a grusome way. However, don't mess with this heronine, Anita Blake, aka the Excutioner! This book is the first in a long series starring Anita Blake and her fight with the vampire world. This book takes place in St. Louis and is basically an introduction to Anita and her world. She is an animator, which means she has the power to raise the dead, and does that for a living, yes in this book zombies and ghouls exsist! This book sets the stage about Anita's world including who she works for, how she thinks, what supernatural creatures exsist there and how she got the name The Excutioner. It also introduces, Jean-Claude, a Master Vampire who she is attracted to. I really liked this book, it was so action packed I could not put it down and it has been a while since I have read a book like that. So far to me this series seems like a cross between Black Dagger Brotherhood and the Sookie books, two of my favs so I hope Laurell K. Hamilton keeps it going. I was a little disappointed that there so much fighting and less romance between Anita and Jean-Claude but I did some research (I had to know if I was going to plow ahead) and SPOILER ALERT, apparently Anita and Jean-Claude start dating in Book 4, The Lunatic Cafe! By the way she writes, I have my hopes set high for this hook up, let's see if we get any closer to it in Book 2, The Laughing Corpse!

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

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