Monday, April 29, 2013

Finished Edge of Hunger, Book 1 in Priminal Insticts Series!

Well this is our first novel read by Ryhannon Byrd and I am happily not disappointed. Still morning the loss of Barrons in my life (Fever Series), it had to take a good read to get me out of it. This was a good book, however I was still able to put it down.... Edge of Hunger does not waste any time getting to the action, almost a little too quick at first since I wanted a little development in the characters' relationships before they went at it but that in time that did come and that, for me, is when the book really took off! Don't get me wrong, Byrd can write a great sex scene along with the rest of them, J.R Ward included but the story line or the way she writes just didn't grip me as much. Edge of Hunger opens up the Primal Instincts series introducing, Ian Buchanan, the first in an ancient line of Merrick that are being "awakened" to fight off their enemy the Caus. I guess I would describe the Casus as a man eating demon animal? The Merrick were born to kill the Caus, which have now found a way back from their prison and are trying to take over. You are also introduced to the Watchmen in this book. The Watchmen are a group of shape shifters who watch over all supernatural beings. They have a secret Council in which they serve. This book was a nice setup for the rest of the series, lots of characters to write about whether it be the hot Watchmen or Ian's brother and sister who will in time also "awaken" to the Merrick if the Causus continue their pursuit. Overall, the Primal Instincts series brings something new to the paranormal romances we read which are so often either Vampires, Werewolves, Fallen Angels or Faeries. Bryd has brought us a new "primal animal"....I'm just glad it has fangs!

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Finished Shadowfever, Book 5!

What a beautiful ending to this magical Irish story! Spoiler alerts to follow! This book started off with Jerechio dead killed by Mac herself when she was slaying his beast. At that point Mac fully accepted her love for Jerechio. To her surprise, he came back to life and with it many more secrets about him were revealed to her. In this book, they both finally professed and consummated their love for one another! What a fabulous ending to this love story and there were twists and turns along the way that had you guessing until the very end who the Unseelie, Seelie King really was. The Unseelie/Seelie King was DEG and V'lane was Cruce and Mac was a "copy" of the book! Everything feel into place at the end. The book absorbed by V'lane who was frozen in time guarded by the sid-seers, Mac froze her "lake" which was really the book, due to Jerechio's insisting. The only thing that was left to be undone was Jereicho's poor son dying for eternity in his mansion basement...but of course, Mac solved that too with the help of a Hunter which also gained her the "right to live" amongst Jerechio's crew. In this book, Jerechio ended up being such a sweetheart underneath the Constant Jackass facade. Barrons and Ms.Lane, a perfect match, a couple I will always remember as one of my favs. "Fire to my ice. Ice to my fever". Love you Mac and Jerechio and loved this series!
- Mon
Fang Rating: VVVVV

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dream Fever Book 4

Barron's is my dark hero. He saves Mac from the eternal dome of becoming Pri-ya.  The only way to bring someone back from Pri-ya is to constantly full fill the need for sex.  But he also made sure she ate, and recreated her life so that it would jog her memory.  A person who has been turned pri-ya has no memory other than of those that made her.  She only desires physical contact and nothing else.  But when she starts regaining her memory he knows that he is about to lose his rainbow girl.  We get to experience a whole other side of Jerricho Barrons.  One that sings, dances, paints her nails pink, and decorates a christmas tree.  Favorite Quote from Book Pg 194..."I couldn‘t see him, but I knew he was here. I‘m attuned to even the faintest whiff of Jericho Barrons now. I wish I wasn‘t. It makes me remember a time when we danced, and he laughed, and I had no cares in the world but to be … a fine beast. To eat, sleep, and have sex".   The book is emotionally charged and living through all of Mac's experiences has been great.
At the end she is trapped in the silvers, she dials IYD and it works.  A Beast appears that protects only her and kills all others.  Roydan also appears and he must kill the beast to get her out.  In that battle Mac also takes part and stabs the beast with her sword.  The beast finally dies and then begins to turn human.  Mac now knows she has lost it all....................WTF...............................................Can't wait to read more.
Fang Rating V V V V

Images of Shadowfever!

We just started and Carol and I need hope, hope strengthens!

Monday, April 8, 2013

JZB Through My Eyes

Dam How Can Mac Resist!

FaeFever Book 3

Let me start by saying that I absolutely love JZB.  Mac has a hell of a lot of self control I don't know why or how she can resist that!  This book is great because we see Mac evolve and grow.  Not only by increasing her Seelie abilities but by putting herself out more.  She keeps many things from Barron's because she still doesn't trust him.  She doesn't trust VLane or Ro either.  But Barron's is always the one that comes to rescue her, he is her constant.  There is definitely an attraction brewing and it is electric but neither seem to want to admit it or talk about it.  Mac asks Barron's to teach her about voice control.  She wants to be able to take control and override any of LM's voice control.  Fave part of the book was when she buys him a Birthday cake, it has pink and black frosting.  He responds by asking "is the cake for me or you Miss Lane?"  At the end of the book the wall comes down and Barron's is in Scotland trying to help the McKellers and Mac is trying to get to the Abbey.  She doesn't make it to the Abbey because the entire city of Dublin is now a dark zone.  She does get to talk with Dani and finds out that the Orbs had shades in them and that when it was opened during the ritual all the shades came out and invaded the Abbey.  She tells Dani that she did not purposely do that she did not set them up.  The phone Dies there is no reception,  she is left to wonder if Barron's had set her up. Three unseelie Princes who had be in jail are now free and Rape Mac.  OMF!  WTF!
I truly did not see that one coming.  What Now!!!!!!!!!!!
Fang Rating V V V V V

More of JZB!

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Blood Fever: Book 2

In Fae fever Mac is becoming more sure of herself.  She feels attracted to Barron's but doesn't really know what to do with those feelings.  Fiona Barron's assistant tries to kill Mac by turning all the lights off and leaving the windows open so that the shades can get Mac.  Vlane comes to save the day but requires she give an hour any hour of his choosing.  Mac know has a sword that kills Fae's one that she a Barron's stole together.  She calls hers self OOP Detective.  Barron's fires Fiona and is hot when he finds out Vlane had saved her life.  While on a hunt for a amulet Vlane appears a demands she go with him, that would her his hour of choosing.  She goes and leave Barron's alone.  When she returns she realises that she had been gone one month.  Barron's is more than pissed off and tries to tattoo her so that in the future he can find her.  She threatens to leave if he does so he offers her a cuff instead.  By the end of the book still she has no information neither would talk about the other.  Malluce who is a Vampire she though she had killed abducts her and nearly kills her by the time Barron's gets to her.  She eats seelie flesh to regain strength and rapid healing and that is how she survives.  For a moment Mac and Barron's have a steamy hot moment where she sees his Tattoo's on his lower abdomen, and thy kiss.  They're interrupted by the Lord Master (LM) who tries to use mind control to take her until Barron's shows himself and tells him she belongs to him.  The LM then retrieves.  Mac wonder who Barron's is when LM is Bad and Barron's is Badder.

Fang Rating:  V V V V V

Dark Fever: Book 1

WOW!  This book is totally captivating with intrigue.  Mac is young and full of life she is what we call a Cali girl.  But her world is turned upside down when her sister is killed in Dublin Ireland. Because the police say they have no leads on the murderer the case has been closed.  That does not settle well with Mac,  Against her parents wishes she embarks on her own quest to find the murderer and Mac him pay.  Revenge is now the energy that fuels her.  She meets a very strong, handsome mystery man named Jerricho Barron's.  He saves her life by giving her shelter and to a certain extent protection.  He does not do it with soft gloves he is all about tough love (well maybe love is not the write word).  Mac learns the world is not what she thought it was.  It is filled with Fae's all bad.  Some called seelies and the other unseelies.  The seelies are the good ones and the unseelies are the bad ones.  Barron's tells her nothing except that she has a gift to detect Fae items and make her valuable.  VLane the prince of the seelies wants the book as well and she is trying to figure out who she is and which of these two men can be trusted.  Up until now she decides she can trust none of them.
Fang Rating: V V V V V

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Constant Jackass?

Finished Faefever!!!!

I am soo taken aback by the ending of this book! Thank God I have the next one to read or I would be extremely mad at the author and send her very scary hate mail for the rest of her life!!!! Are you trying to kill me Karen Morning???? Let me back it up as Mac does and say, besides the ending, this is my favorite book yet! Relationships deepen and become stronger, especially between Jereicho and Mac and tons of new information is uncovered. So much happens, Mac is getting stronger and is learning so much but it is still with an eternal conflict of if she can trust Barrons or not and the odds are not stacked in his favor. She finds out that he does not age and she sees him carrying a bloody dead woman from the Silver Mirror in his office. Mac is soo scared of getting played by him and does not want to fall into her sister's footprints and fall in love with the ultimate bad guy. V'lane tells her the story of the Seelie King and all ways point in the direction of Barrons but that has not crossed Mac's radar yet. I love all the interactions between her and Barrons, which I hoping is foreplay! All builds up to Samhain also known as Halloween when the walls fall and the Unseelie princes consume Mac and bring her to her death and that is where the book ends! The only glimmer of hope is Mac's final message to her readers:
A Note to the Reader

I foreshadowed this moment. And I‟ve foreshadowed what‟s yet to come, but for those of you with flashlights running low on batteries, who feel the Shades closing in, and fear there‟s no hope in sight, consider this:

In Bloodfever Mac says, “Although it may not seem like it, this isn‟t a story about darkness. It‟s about light. Khalil Gibran says Your joy can fill you only as deeply as your sorrow has carved you. If you‟ve never tasted bitterness, sweet is just another pleasant flavor on your tongue. One day I‟m going to hold a lot of joy.”

And she will. That was my promise in her words.
Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon