Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Dream Fever Book 4

Barron's is my dark hero. He saves Mac from the eternal dome of becoming Pri-ya.  The only way to bring someone back from Pri-ya is to constantly full fill the need for sex.  But he also made sure she ate, and recreated her life so that it would jog her memory.  A person who has been turned pri-ya has no memory other than of those that made her.  She only desires physical contact and nothing else.  But when she starts regaining her memory he knows that he is about to lose his rainbow girl.  We get to experience a whole other side of Jerricho Barrons.  One that sings, dances, paints her nails pink, and decorates a christmas tree.  Favorite Quote from Book Pg 194..."I couldn‘t see him, but I knew he was here. I‘m attuned to even the faintest whiff of Jericho Barrons now. I wish I wasn‘t. It makes me remember a time when we danced, and he laughed, and I had no cares in the world but to be … a fine beast. To eat, sleep, and have sex".   The book is emotionally charged and living through all of Mac's experiences has been great.
At the end she is trapped in the silvers, she dials IYD and it works.  A Beast appears that protects only her and kills all others.  Roydan also appears and he must kill the beast to get her out.  In that battle Mac also takes part and stabs the beast with her sword.  The beast finally dies and then begins to turn human.  Mac now knows she has lost it all....................WTF...............................................Can't wait to read more.
Fang Rating V V V V

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