Thursday, April 4, 2013

Dark Fever: Book 1

WOW!  This book is totally captivating with intrigue.  Mac is young and full of life she is what we call a Cali girl.  But her world is turned upside down when her sister is killed in Dublin Ireland. Because the police say they have no leads on the murderer the case has been closed.  That does not settle well with Mac,  Against her parents wishes she embarks on her own quest to find the murderer and Mac him pay.  Revenge is now the energy that fuels her.  She meets a very strong, handsome mystery man named Jerricho Barron's.  He saves her life by giving her shelter and to a certain extent protection.  He does not do it with soft gloves he is all about tough love (well maybe love is not the write word).  Mac learns the world is not what she thought it was.  It is filled with Fae's all bad.  Some called seelies and the other unseelies.  The seelies are the good ones and the unseelies are the bad ones.  Barron's tells her nothing except that she has a gift to detect Fae items and make her valuable.  VLane the prince of the seelies wants the book as well and she is trying to figure out who she is and which of these two men can be trusted.  Up until now she decides she can trust none of them.
Fang Rating: V V V V V

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