Monday, September 16, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 3, Night Embrace!

This was the third book in the Dark Hunter series, Talon's story. I must give it to the author, she is very creative and I never see a lot of the plots coming! Talon's love interest is Sunshine, Spoiler Alert! his reincarnated wife from his Celt days. This, like her other books, Carol and I decided, starts out with a bang and then kind of slows in the middle. It was a bit of a bumpy ride for me and hard to finish and easy to put down at times. It seems like a lot of banging around. I liked all the new info on Archeon aka Ash, Zarek, my fav so far and all of the other Gods. Artemis is Calamus's sister, whose Dad is who? Then Sytxx is Ash's twin brother and the big hitter, Sunshine's grandma is Morrigan! Never saw that coming. I liked all of the connections and getting a history on this tormented hot family of the Gods. I like the new take on fangs and paranormal romance. Makes me want to watch Thor but like I said some of the stories get a little stale at times. Maybe I just wasn't a big fan of Talon, not enough of an asshole for me! lol! Plus, a girl wants a little build up before we go into the never ending hot and steamy scenes. Onward, next up Zarek and it better be good or I may need to take a rest! All and all, the book was still a nice, fast read and big on character development which is a plus in my book.

- Mon

Fang Rating VVV

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