Thursday, October 3, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 4, Dance with the Devil

This was our black sheep of the group's story, Zarek, the ex-slave with a real bad attitude! He is my favorite so far. To recap very quickly, Zarek's love interest was one of the Fates, Astrid, who was sent to judge Zarek and decide if he was a heartless animal who deserved to die as Artemis proposes. Astrid is blind and can only see if she is touching her wolf/dog Sasha. I really liked this book. It started off with a very interesting plot. I liked how it took place in Alaska in a snow storm and all of the background information we got on Ash and Artemis relationship and learned more about Apollites, and got introduced to more Dark Hunters, including Jess. I was so happy to see the truth come out about Zarek and that he did not really kill the village he was people he was banished to Fairbanks, Alaska for but that Artemis's pet did. This book was one of my favorites, it was a great ride with a lot of twists and Zarek is one sexy motha!!!

Fang Rating VVVV

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