Thursday, October 3, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 5, Kiss of the Night!

Wulf, Wulf, Wulf. This was the story about Talon's best friend Wulf and it was a very interesting one because it gave sooo much more information on Apollites, Damions, the Destroyer aka Apollymi (surely I am misspelling her name) and Ash's place in the Dark Hunter world, then we have read so far. We are really getting deep into this saga with this book. Wulf falls in love with the last living heiress of Apollo, Cassandra, one who must live because if she dies, so does Apollo and so does the sun, which translates into the end of the world! Wulf is a Viking and anyone who is not immortal will not remember him after they see or speak to him which adds to the depth of his story, his loneliness and his need for an heir since anyone from his bloodline can remember him as well. Cassandra gets pregnant early on and the plot thickens. This book started out good, had some great background information on the Dark Hunter saga but I feel like the author went on some long winded tangents I could have done without. She jumped around a bit at the end and lost me when it came to Wulf and the trickery of his soul versus Morgannie's, who I always picture as Sunshine's grandma by the way, so that is weird. She lost me a bit there and the ending seemed a little far fetched at times although I really like the fangs coming out at the end. Could have used a better description of Wulf too! It was still a sweet and necessary story but I am ready to move on and learn more about the were-hunters! Bring it on Vane and that big booty hoe! Holla!

Fang Rating VVV
- Monica

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