Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 7, Seize the Night

Sins of the Night is Valerious and Tabitha's love story and one of my favorites in the whole series! I think I liked this one the best!!! I really like Valerious! I think I am drawn to the Roman look, tall dark and handsome as opposed to the blond Celts, etc. I loved Zarek and I think I liked his bro, Val's story, even more because I could relate to Tabitha and her goth misfit ways more so than Zarek's love interest, Astrid. I really like how you get deeper and deeper into the Dark Hunter saga with each book! Spoiler ***Alerts to follow*** A lot happens in this book which is another reason why it kept me going! Nick dies and becomes a dark hunter? We learn that Ash is a God and that he is Apollymi's son, correct? Still not totally clear on that one...Simi does the deed! I am still confused on the growing different species of Diamons there seems to be, I believe another one was introduced, not Spathis but ones who can't die who serve Apollymi?? There are a lot of Greek names thrown about and a lot of different types of Gods, Apollites, Dark Hunters, Were-Hunters, Diamons and they live in the worlds that begin with a K that I cannot even begin to try and spell so it does get a little confusing. I wish she would just explain them a little better when they are introduced instead of throwing random sentences here and there in battle so you are not sure if you got the correct info and a lot of the names sound alike so that makes it worse! Okay, I used the work a lot a lot of times in this post so I am going to bring it to a close. Short and sweet, absolutely loved the book! loved the lovebirds this go around and LOVED how Zarek gave him his immortality...which I guess Ash set up from the get go...gotta love how this author always brings it full circle in the end. Onward to the weres!

- Mon

Fang Rating VVVV

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