I just got finished reading Possession which was a really nice break from the Greek mythology I have been trying to stay awake for! lol! I love you Dark Hunters but the shift in gears has been nice especially since J.R. Ward did not disappoint this time and Carol pointed out! We were not too happy with the way the last book ended, even throughout the whole book, I remember it dragging, etc but this book really got things going in the right direction! Sissy got out and is distracting Jim big time! I don't think J.R.Ward will finish this series out without Jim hooking up/falling desperately in love as only Ms. Ward can tell it, with someone and my bet is on Sissy!! In this book, they are living in the scary old masion which towards the end was almost getting reversed in time, getting more and more nice looking, Adrian is still morning Eddie whose body is still in the basement (weird) and who he apparently really loved. Nigel killed himself and so there are only two guards guarding Heaven which is also weakening...I loved Cait and Duke's love story, lots of steam sessions with a great ending but I feel like the book was cut of. I was expecting the next chapter to wrap up or at least give us a glimpse into where Jim was at but nadda. So the ending felt very cut short, I know she was trying to give us a cliff hanger but thought it could have been done better....oh well, guess we have to wait a year! This was a great book that definetly got us all back in the angels game!
Fang Rating VVVV
- Mon
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