Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Finished Torment by Lauren Kate

Torment is the second book in the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. The first book, Fallen, sets the storyline of Luce as a intriguing beautiful girl who has spent her past lives falling in the love with Daniel, a fallen angel.     In Torment, the story picks right up where it left off in Fallen and Luce soon finds herself at a new school, Shoreline, with a new set of friends. I like the location of this book better, set on the coast of California, and that Luce knows a lot more about her and Daniel's story now. In this book, she continues to learn a lot about herself and her past and the fallen angel world. It is a creative, fun book, still dabbled with humor and definitely for a teen audience. There was also no major action scenes in this book, (there was a great kiss in the last book) but the fact that Luce is now beginning to come into her own and question her relationship with Daniel kept me coming back for more! Like Fallen, towards the middle of the book, it started to drag on for me, I wasn't really learning anything new with regards to the plot and I was like, come on get to the point already! I like authors to feed me new stuff throughout the book not save all of it until the end which is what Lauren Kate does in both books. There are still sooo many questions unanswered, we found out more about Luce's past lives but not why she is so significant in the battle between the good and bad angels. Like always with this series, I really want to know what happens next but not so much I am not willing to wait a while and read the third book before the fourth comes out. I am looking forward to getting out of the teen realm and bringing out the big guns! This was an important series because it lead us into the subject of "fallen angels" which another one of our favorite authors, JR Ward writes about.

Fang Rating VVVv (Yes, that is three and a half fangs mothers!)

- Mon

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