Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Finished Vampire Hunter Book 2

Another one bites the dust with this chick! I finished, The Laughing Corpse, Book 2 in the Vampire Hunter Series and I am left wanting MORE, more of Jean-Claude, the author is killing me. At the end I was hoping he would rush in and save her, guess that is too predictable, at least he did show up but if Anita does  not have some REAL action without it revolving with having to kill someone then I don’t know if I am in for the long hall with these books.  What is the genre of these books anyway?  There were some parts of the book that were too gruesome and that I would prefer not to read so much about but when Jean-Claude does finally make his way into the story, he stays a while and they definitely build on their connection! This part was very good! And I like the way the story unfolded, a good mystery that I did not see coming.  I also liked the character development and I am hooked because I am noticing a pattern….The last line in the first book was something to the effect of, I am the Executioner, I don’t date vampires, I kill them. Whereas the last line in this one said, I had enough problems without dating the Master of the City. I interpret this as her slowly letting her guard down which could lead to some pretty juicy stuff. These books remind me of Sookie, always waiting for Big E to appear and always waiting for Jean-Claude to appear. I am going to start book 3 now!
Fang Rating VVVV
-          Mon

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