Monday, March 12, 2012

Finished The Killing Dance VH 6

Yes we have it all in this book.  Action, Romance, Suspense, Hot Loving.  What else can a girl ask for.
I must admit that I was beginning to doubt whether or not that author could write a good love scene.  But I take my hat off to her cause it wasn't just good it was awesome... Jean Claude did not disappoint and it was worth the wait.  I'm glad to see that Anita's first love scene was with JC.  This book was great because we ha a lot of dialogue between JC and Anita as well as Richard.  The three become a Triumvirate.  They unite the power of three and are now piratically unstoppable.  I'll be interested in seeing where we go from here.  as the book finished Anita is now JC lover, and I'm not sure if she is dating Richard that was not discussed.  I will be starting book 7 and i am content with what 6 had to offer....Favorite line of the book was
"I have played the mortal for you these many months. I thought in March when you held my naked
body, when you shared blood with me, that it would be a changing point for us. That you would give in to
your desire and admit your feelings for me."

Fang Rating VVVVV

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