Monday, March 12, 2012

Finished The Killing Dance, VH Book 6

The Killing Dance is a dance we have been waiting and hoping a LONG time for. I think this was my favorite of all the books read sooo far! Book 1 is special but this really spends time more on the relationships among the characters as as pose to spending most of the books time solving a murder! And finally, spoiler alert: JC and Anita hook up like they really should have since the beginning and the author did NOT disappoint! I am so glad our little prude did not hesitant to give it up! Fav line comes from the this scene, JC says in the midst of it all, "My deepest apologies, ma petite, you have almost undone me". Great action and great characters and great twists like always, now I look forward to her curve balls and expecting the unexpected! I liked the trimutive and did not see that coming. So we will see what happens next, I must admit, I am a little hesitant that the author won't bring the good action between Anita and JC because she already gave us so much in this book. However, I have heard otherwise......plowing on!

Fang Rating: VVVVV

- Mon

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