Friday, March 2, 2012

Finished VH 5 Bloody Bones!

Wow, FINALLY! We are finally getting somewhere and thank God for that! Although this book was slow to get going, almost to the fact that I was losing faith that JC and Anita would ever hook up and it would just be dragged out forever, it finally happened and although they it don't completely hook up Anita allowed herself to act on and show JC a bit, just how sexually attracted to him she was. The dialog and action between JC and Anita were great in this book. I really liked the focus of the fey and the vampires in this one! I prefer that better than the zombie/pack stuff.  I really liked the character of Magus and his story. The author always throws in great curve balls and more unforgettable characters. The ending on this one seemed to be cut a little short but I am getting used to that now and because I know that there are major changes coming up ahead in books 6 and 7 I am soo excitied to continue reading! Book 5 is for sure another major turning point for these books and Anita coming to grips with her perception on the "monsters" and herself.

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

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