Thursday, March 28, 2013

Finished Bloodfever!

Another amazing book and fast read for me! This was the second installment of the Fever series which definitely takes us one step further into the dark Dublin fae world. A lot happens in this book as Mac continues to get challenged and challenged which I feel she rises to at every occasion. I think the most significant part of this book her capture from Malluce and her and Barrons finally doing the dirty in the down and dirty place that Malluce had her kept! Not the way I would have wanted it but knowing them, and their love/hate relationship I guess it makes sense. Mac also got to say goodbye and heal a little with a strange encounter with Alina thanks to V'lane. New characters like Dina were also introduced and Mac finds out (spoiler alert) that she is adopted thanks to her encounter with Rowena. Hence her Dad visits as well! We also learn about Rowena and her PHI organization of female seers that she runs and the "real" meaning behind the shamrock! My favorite part of the book, and one that screams woman power, is when Mac is leaving Rowena's office and says. " I am no one's puppet, Rowena, not his, not Barrons, not yours". Yes! It is after this Mac realizes she is truly on her own, can trust no one and starts to draw out her board of all the major players in this game and where they fit in. A sad moment for me because I am always routing for Barrons :( So onward it is for me, hoping for love and man, if I get to book 5 and there is none, I will be disappointed. By this stage, I am totally hooked in the dark and hoping for the best.

Fang Rating


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