Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Finished Darkfever!

My new favorite series so far! I am already on Bloodfever, book 2 in this series and absolutely loving it! This is my kind of book, great writing, woman power, great mystery, great magic, sexual tension and great characters! This book has it all and I can't put it down. This book is MacKayla Lane, aka Mac or Ms. Lane, as Barrons calls her, story on how her life got turned upside down while searching for her sister's killer in Dublin. Many things are revealed to her on her search, that Fae exist and that her and her sister were Nulls, special girls that can see and freeze Fae which in this case is extremely important since the Fae, especially one kind, the Unseelie in particular are taking over and killing off the human race. Streets and whole sections of neighborhoods are disappearing...and MacKayla is constantly learning and uncovering secrets about this new dark world and new dark self she lives in. Helping her to navigate and survive in this new danagerous world is Jericho Barrons, a sexy male with special powers of his own that is using Mac's talents to help find Fae relics. She and he are on the search for the Sinsar Dubh and although Jereicho has saved her life, his intentions are very unclear for this Mysterious man with a capital M. Although a great story, this is definitely a intro book, giving the reader, Mac's background, why she is in Dublin, who and what she is fighting for, who the major players are and a basis of info on the Fae world. Since this book ends and Bloodfever begins so smoothly it is hard for me to remember the ending of this book in particular and I don't want to give any spoilers sine I enjoyed this book so much! Thank you Ireland! Thank you Fae! I needed this!

Fang Rating VVVVV

- Mon

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