Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Finished Fallen!!!!!!

Alright I finished Fallen!  Where to begin.  I thought the book was good. This book is the story of  a love that is cursed (by Who I still do not know)  and destined to fail.  Daniel and Luce's story is captivating.. And Kate does leave you intrigued about what happens next.  Still many unanswered questions but that is a good thing because I am definitely going to read the next book in the series.  This was an interesting twist of event from the other books we have read.  The book is about Fallen Angels and one in particular Daniel  who falls for a forbidden love, Luce.  It is a bit adolescent because it deals with young love.  I enjoyed the book very much I could barely put it down.  I was submersed into the story and wanted to know what would happen next.  Kate is a good writer because she doesn't give you too much to soon.  The more your read the more you discover.  Which is great because it doesn't have to much of what  I call fillers!  I would give the the book a VVVV Fang Rating.  I am excited about learning more of Daniel's World.

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