Monday, December 12, 2011

Finished Fallen

Not to my surprise, this teenage romance about Luce and Daniel was a story about true love and angels. The main character, a strange and beautiful Luce who is followed by shadows, becomes obsessed with unlocking the secrets of alluring boy at her new school. Although, juvenile (thanks Carol) at times, this book really had me going in the beginning. I didn't know what was going to happen next and it was often times funny! Midway through the book after I started to get a grasp on the plot, it seemed to drag on but also had me hooked because I really wanted all the secrets to come to the surface. After finishing the book, a lot of the secrets were answered but a lot were not. Like, there is still really no answer about the shadows or why Luce is sooo important. Lauren Kate totally sets us up for the next book, at this point you would be crazy not too read it. However, I hope it starts fresh with action and doesn't continue on with more of the same. I liked the epilogue, I like the subject matter of past lives and I like the characters and even though I would have enjoyed more action, she did good with the sexual tension. I enjoyed this book more than Die For Me and give it VVVV. On to Torment, don't let me down Kate!

- Mon

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