Thursday, December 1, 2011

Finished Die for me......

Die for me was a charming book to read.  I thought is was a very creative way to portray the immortals that live among us.  The idea of Reverents (almost angels that died saving a life their fore earning there immortality).  I thought the concept was creative and a pretty hot idea for an immortal with no fangs!.  The description of the reverents was sexy and intriguing.  I would definitely recommend this book to others I would give it VVVV (4 fangs).  The reason  being that it was more of a young adult book and there fore the adult situations did not get very descriptive (hot and steamy) or involved.  The author kept it pg 13 all the way.  I loved the character of Vincent and his story.  In many ways he reminded me of Edward.  Kate was also an interesting character just having suffered the death of her parents she does not handle the idea of death very well.  That does not help if you start falling for the handsome guy who dies over and over again..  The other supporting characters were interesting as well each had a compelling story.  I thought it read well great book to read.  I did however get the feeling that there is more to come because the book was more of an introduction to there lives and not the story of there lives.  I think it definitely set the foundation for more stories of the trial and tribulations of a sprouting romance between a human and an immortal.  I look forward to reading more about Vincent and Kate Amy hurry up and release the next book in the series.
Fang Rating VVVV

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