Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Finished Vampire Hunter Book 2

Another one bites the dust with this chick! I finished, The Laughing Corpse, Book 2 in the Vampire Hunter Series and I am left wanting MORE, more of Jean-Claude, the author is killing me. At the end I was hoping he would rush in and save her, guess that is too predictable, at least he did show up but if Anita does  not have some REAL action without it revolving with having to kill someone then I don’t know if I am in for the long hall with these books.  What is the genre of these books anyway?  There were some parts of the book that were too gruesome and that I would prefer not to read so much about but when Jean-Claude does finally make his way into the story, he stays a while and they definitely build on their connection! This part was very good! And I like the way the story unfolded, a good mystery that I did not see coming.  I also liked the character development and I am hooked because I am noticing a pattern….The last line in the first book was something to the effect of, I am the Executioner, I don’t date vampires, I kill them. Whereas the last line in this one said, I had enough problems without dating the Master of the City. I interpret this as her slowly letting her guard down which could lead to some pretty juicy stuff. These books remind me of Sookie, always waiting for Big E to appear and always waiting for Jean-Claude to appear. I am going to start book 3 now!
Fang Rating VVVV
-          Mon

First True Blood Season 5 Promo Out!

This is not much of anything..........where is a flash of Big E or crazy Sookie? However, I think it is important that this is TOTALLY referring to Russell Edgington and rumors of him coming back to life this season....SO NOT in the books...but that is okay as long as thier is enough Big E!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The King is Single!!!!

Anyone who loves the dark side HAS to love Johnny Depp. So we HAD to report on his current status which is reportedly single!

It has been very hush hush and based on what his possible ex of 15 years, Vanessa Paradis says it could all be a rumor? See her side and quote on the subject below! I am confused. Other media outlets just say she is being coy and they are indeed carrying on seperate lives.

Vanessa Paradis has spoken about the buzz that she and long-term partner Johnny Depp have split, and she sounds impatient.
Asked whether the 15-year relationship with Depp, 48, was at an end, Paradis, 39, told Europe 1 radio station at Monday's Paris premiere of her new film, Cafe de Flore: "You know, when I eat three peas, I'm pregnant. When I visit a city, I'm buying a house. In the winter I separate, in the summer I marry. It's been 15 years since I've been getting married every year. In addition I have to answer all these rumors!"
There was no sign of Depp at the cinema, or their two children, Lily-Rose, 12, and Jack, 9, all of whom were believed to be in Los Angeles. - taken from http://content.usatoday.com/communities/entertainment/post/2012/01/vanessa-paradis-fields-johnny-depp-breakup-questions/1

Friday, January 20, 2012

True Blood Season 5 Spoiler Guide

True Blood Season 5 Spoiler Guide

Loving the Guide for Season 5 on True-blood.net, for full info click above!

Plot Points 

Season 5 will pick up right where season 4 left off, with Sookie holding Tara in the kitchen.
Alan Ball, Kristin Bauer and Alexander Skarsgard have all stated in various interviews that we’ll see a flashback to when Eric turned Pam into a vampire.
Although season 5 is based on Dead as a Doornail, Alan Ball said that season 5 will combine elements from multiple books much more than in previous seasons (in other words, we could see events from books 6-?).
A major character introduced in Dead as a Doornail is Quinn. No word yet on whether he’ll appear on the show, but we do have some casting suggestions.
We will not see zombies in season 5, but the writing staff are researching “lesser known” supernatural creatures to appear.

Who’s Returning?

Characters who are confirmed for season 5 include: Sookie, Bill, Eric, Alcide, Lafayette, Arlene, Terry, Jessica, Hoyt, Sam, Jason, Pam, and Patrick.
Denis O’Hare confirmed that Russell Edgington will return in the True Blood season 5 premiere.
Scott Foley will return as Patrick Devins for at least half of the season 5 episodes.
Alan Ball has signed on to executive produce True Blood season 5.
Rutina Wesley has confirmed that Tara will be back in season 5.
Nelsan Ellis says that we’ll see Jesus again in season 5.

More Season 5 spoilers from Trueblood.net

SPOILERS: Casting Call for True Blood Episode 5.04

One reason to be glad the holidays are over? True Blood season 5 is back in production, which means…spoilers! Today we have the casting call for episode 5.04, titled “We’ll Meet Again”. Written by fan-favorite Alexander Woo and directed by Romeo Tirone.
It’s flashback time! In this episode, we’re going back to Iraq in 2003, when Terry and Patrick were serving together. We’ll meet Todd Jeffries and Jemarcus Kessler, part of Terry and Patrick’s Marine squad. They’re traveling to a small town to party and blow off steam when the night goes horribly, horribly wrong. We’ll meet a couple of residents of the town, an 18-year-old Iraqi boy and an older Iraqi man, who speak up when the Marines attack their town “as a lark.” True Blood is also casting an Iraqi woman, the mother of a 12-year-old boy who is killed in the attack. She’ll also appear in episode 5.05.  Terry’s PTSD is suddenly becoming much more understandable. CLICK HERE FOR FULL ARTICLE http://true-blood.net/2012/01/19/spoilers-casting-call-for-true-blood-episode-5-04/

When I read this I am like, okay..........not sure exactly where we are going with this! I plan on reading Book 5 again although I know the show will stray......

Finished Reading Tormennt Book 2 of the Fallen Series !!!

Well I finally finished reading book two of the Fallen series Torment.  I did enjoy reading the book however I really did feel Tormented at times from wishing I new a little more about Luce and why she is so important when the final battle comes.  I did like that fact that the author let us have a glimpse into her past lives.  Daniel is a little irritating because he does not give her much information either.  I guess I felt as if I myself was Luce and needed to know more but no one wants to tell me.  I really hope that the next book finally tells us Who Luce really is.  And what is her real relationship with good and bad.  Why did Daniel loose everything when he fell in love with Luce.   I can say that if you enjoy a good mystery this is definitely a mystery.  By the end of the book there are still many answered questions which of course will lead to me reading the next book in the series...Book three Passion I hope that we wil see more of the eternal love Daniel and Luce have shared for many centuries.  I am team Daniel all the way.  What can I say I am a sucker for a good love story.
I give it a Fang rating of VVV because there are still too many unanswered questions for me.
Carol -

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Finished Guilty Pleasures Book 1, Vampire Hunter Series

Wow was it nice to finally sink my teeth in some blood!....or at least read about it being done! This novel brought the vamps back to us HARD! She really protreys them in a grusome way. However, don't mess with this heronine, Anita Blake, aka the Excutioner! This book is the first in a long series starring Anita Blake and her fight with the vampire world. This book takes place in St. Louis and is basically an introduction to Anita and her world. She is an animator, which means she has the power to raise the dead, and does that for a living, yes in this book zombies and ghouls exsist! This book sets the stage about Anita's world including who she works for, how she thinks, what supernatural creatures exsist there and how she got the name The Excutioner. It also introduces, Jean-Claude, a Master Vampire who she is attracted to. I really liked this book, it was so action packed I could not put it down and it has been a while since I have read a book like that. So far to me this series seems like a cross between Black Dagger Brotherhood and the Sookie books, two of my favs so I hope Laurell K. Hamilton keeps it going. I was a little disappointed that there so much fighting and less romance between Anita and Jean-Claude but I did some research (I had to know if I was going to plow ahead) and SPOILER ALERT, apparently Anita and Jean-Claude start dating in Book 4, The Lunatic Cafe! By the way she writes, I have my hopes set high for this hook up, let's see if we get any closer to it in Book 2, The Laughing Corpse!

Fang Rating VVVV

- Mon

True Blood Season 5 (Spoiler Alert)

'True Blood' logo

A new True Blood season 5 casting spoiler has just been released!  The spoiler reveals that a certain Twilight Volturi member has just been cast to play another powerful vampire, Authority member, Dieter Braun. Date Line has announced that Christopher Heyerdahl, who played Marcus in the Twilight films, has been cast in the True Blood recurring role.  Could it be both The Twilight world and theTrue Blood world will have something in common.  Looking forward to season 5.

True Blood Stars Shine at the HBO Golden Globes After Party

True Blood Stars Shine at the HBO Golden Globes After Party from http://www.trueblood-online.com/

Big E and a few of our other beloved True Blood characters at Circa 55 in Beverly Hills for the HBO Golden Globes after party on January 15! For all pics click on link above, for our fav, see below!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Breaking Dawn Part 1 DVD and Blue Ray Release Date Feburary 11, 2012!

Word is there is a special Valentine's Day packaging in the works! For more info visit. http://www.breakingdawnmovie.org/  Also, BD Part 2 movie release date is November, 16, 2012! HOLLA!

Monday, January 9, 2012

Finished Touch of Dead

Reading Charlaine Harris again was like going back home. I love her style of writing and reading her books is always so comforting to me. I LOVED this book which is a collection of five short stories, Fairy Dust, Dracula Night, One Word Answer, Lucky and Gift Wrap. They are extensions of little happenings that took place between the books. Below is the order in which they occur, which Charlaine states in the beginning of the book.

Fairy Dust - takes place after book 4, Dead to the World
Dracula Night - also takes place after book 4 and before book 5, Dead as a Doornail
One Word Answer - After book 5
Lucky - After book 7, All Together Dead
Gift Wrap - Before book 9, Dead and Gone

Charlaine goes into a little more depth about the events that took place in the other books when the short stories were written. This book is very small, so it is a very fast but very fun read. No major action with     Big E, but a little something in Gift Wrap! I really loved having some of my favorite characters back in the storyline and cannot wait to see what Season 5 brings and book 12!

Fang Rating: VVVVV

- Mon

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Finished Torment by Lauren Kate

Torment is the second book in the Fallen series by Lauren Kate. The first book, Fallen, sets the storyline of Luce as a intriguing beautiful girl who has spent her past lives falling in the love with Daniel, a fallen angel.     In Torment, the story picks right up where it left off in Fallen and Luce soon finds herself at a new school, Shoreline, with a new set of friends. I like the location of this book better, set on the coast of California, and that Luce knows a lot more about her and Daniel's story now. In this book, she continues to learn a lot about herself and her past and the fallen angel world. It is a creative, fun book, still dabbled with humor and definitely for a teen audience. There was also no major action scenes in this book, (there was a great kiss in the last book) but the fact that Luce is now beginning to come into her own and question her relationship with Daniel kept me coming back for more! Like Fallen, towards the middle of the book, it started to drag on for me, I wasn't really learning anything new with regards to the plot and I was like, come on get to the point already! I like authors to feed me new stuff throughout the book not save all of it until the end which is what Lauren Kate does in both books. There are still sooo many questions unanswered, we found out more about Luce's past lives but not why she is so significant in the battle between the good and bad angels. Like always with this series, I really want to know what happens next but not so much I am not willing to wait a while and read the third book before the fourth comes out. I am looking forward to getting out of the teen realm and bringing out the big guns! This was an important series because it lead us into the subject of "fallen angels" which another one of our favorite authors, JR Ward writes about.

Fang Rating VVVv (Yes, that is three and a half fangs mothers!)

- Mon