Thursday, July 26, 2012

El Fin!!! Fifty Shades Freed Book III

Well fellow blogger / and Fangers I'm  done with the third book in the Fifty Shades of Grey Trilogy.
I really enjoyed reading them.  They did not have Fangs but they did have lots of other and risky topics that put you on the edge waiting to see waht happens next.  A lot has changed between the first encounter Ana and Christian had in his office that day she interviewed him.  Why is it that some girls always go for the dangerous bad boy.  Good Boys are Dull and bad boys are Fun.  Ana does enjoy all of Christians Fifty Shades, and most of all those life affirming moments only he can make her live.  While reading these book I experienced anxiety, excitement, worry, and happiness along with the characters, there were times I just did not know what to think or expect.  The books are extremely erotic and there fore not for the shy.... but if you are willing to unleash your wild side momentarily while you read these books I am sure you will find them enjoyable.  the book ended well in my opinion and I will miss these characters as I am no longer in there world.  Mr and Mrs Grey til we meet again perhaps on the Big Screen the Film Debut....
Fang Rating VVVVV

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Finished Fifty Shades Darker II

 At the end of Fifty Shades of Grey Ana, leaves Christian she decides that his dark side is too dark and she cannot deal with it.  So logically I my thought was where is this going..... I must read on.  And so I embark on my quest to get more..... and start reading Fifty Shades Darker Book II.We'll this book is the actual beginning of there love.  Obviously we know that there is a lot that they have to work out.  Especially the fact that he wants to punish her.  Yet when Ana decided to leave Christian realised that he would do what ever he needed to do to keep her.  And so the development of the new proposal was born. We meet the evil Mrs. Robinson and her true intentions are revealed.  Fifty Shades of F*** upness is changing and experiencing things he may not have thought as possible.  I must admit I did enjoy this book although missing the fangs,  I temporarily traded them in for silver balls, flogger's, handcuffs, and the Red Room of Pain!!!!!  I think over all the book is worth reading and am honestly looking forward to the big screen reveal  of Mr. Grey.  Keep reading and Keep Still or he will spank you!
Fang Rating: VVVV

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Finished Fifty Shades Freed!

Yes, I finished Fifty Shades Freed! And now I feel as if I have also been freed of this book! I should start off by saying that I enjoyed the books, they are a fun fast read that make you think but at the same time I was ready for the story to be over.  There were many suprises and I definetly like the middle part of this book the best, for me it was slow going in the beginnning, really picked up with a lot of great twists I didn't see coming but then it sort of went stale again for me. The final sex scenes were good but the ending, the last line " I love you, I love you too", I thought could have been more creative. Glad I know what all the hype was about and glad Mr. Grey is Freed! As a friend said, will Mia and Ethan be next?

- Mon
Fang Rating VVVV

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Finished Fifty Shades Darker

In my opinion, although it was a fast read, Fifty Shades Darker was just a lot of the same of Fifty Shades of Grey and not a good way. I could deal with the author's somewhat bad writing through the first book because I was intrigued and the sex was good but now I am kind of tired of reading it.... I must admit once you start it is hard to put down but I was much less motivated to pick the book up! Yes, we delve deeper and Fifty has peeled off many layers I wasn't expecting to see but I feel like besides the sex scenes the action and plots could be better. I must say I liked it enough to continue on and finish the series, I didn't see him buying a house for her, or that Mrs. Robinson still wanted him so badly and really was such a bitch! Those were twists I really liked about the book and that had me going. I finally found a pic of Christain that lives up to the standards my imagination had for him. Marchin on to the third book, hope its not too long!

Monday, July 2, 2012

TB Episode 504

Episode 4 of Season 5 is one of my most favorite episodes so far!!! Was that Hooligans???? I was wondering if our loveable strip club from the books, where Claude manages was going to make its appereance! I love watching the series because I still am on edge since it doesn't follow the book in most cases but am so delighted when I see trappings of the book dispersed throughout! Tara has gotten a hold of herself so far, Thank God, and is under Pam's wing, I hope it says that way. The Authority got its fish, the kid vampire and Lafayette is possesed! Love that spin and can't wait to see where it goes. Sam's friends end up dead? And Terry got himself in a stupid mess, guess that buddy of his was right afterall. Everyone in town looks down on Sookie for helping to turn Tara and she can hear all of it! Was totally feeling for Sookie at that moment BUT then Alcide is now under her spell and I just LOVED Bill and Eric watching her making out with Alcide! Juicy times and more drama is yet to come! The most moving piece of all for me was of course, Big E releasing Pam! How sad. During thier whole moment, I was thinking, I hope Tara is not really sleeping and hearing this so she can see how good they really are....I also think it was more emotional for me because having read the books, I feel like I have much more background on Pam and Eric's relationship. I can't imagine watching the series without reading the books. It seems like they are going to delve deeper into the fairy pot and I can't wait to see what they are going to do with that. Can't wait until next Sunday! TB's got me wishing my weeks away!