Thursday, August 29, 2013

The End of: True Blood Season 6....

Well fellow Fangers!  The end of TB season 6 provided us with what was probably the best 3 seconds of the entire season.  Because words can not adequately describe why I'll have to show you.  Enjoy!!

The 411: 5 More Fever Books In The Making!!!

I have great news for all those Karen Marie Moning Fans.  There will be 6 more fever books.  Two of which will complete the Dani trilogy, Iced.  The next Dani book will be Burned and it comes out in March.  Then the other four which will be about Mac, Barron's, Cruce, VLane, Unseelie King and the Concubine, Resuming the Fever Series.   So we have lots to look forward to.


Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finished Night Pleasures, Dark Hunter 2

What a great second book in this series!! This is the book that really starts up the series! Night Pleasures is Kyrian's story. His love interest is Amanda, Selena's sister. This book really set the stage for the rest of the series. In this book you learn what a Dark Hunter is, how it relates to a vampire and more importantly to ancient Greece and Greek Gods!! A very creative and new twist once again on fangs in the urban fantasy genre. Julian and Grace show up in this book and it ties everything together. It gives a history on the Dark Hunter, introduces some other Dark Hunter who will no doubt be the following books main players and introduces all of Selena's family, their special talents and how their role with the Dark Hunters. This book was another fast read from Mrs. S.K and I liked it better than the first. I like Kyrian better, he is darker and has more of a sense of humor than Julian. I also liked Amanda better than Grace. I am excited about hearing the stories of the other Dark Hunter's mentioned and how they fall in love and regain their souls. This is a great series so far, fast reads, a little cheesy at times so I think it may get a little old after a few more books but we shall see... onward and upward! I hope Talon is next :)

Fang Rating VVVV

Finished Ice: The Beginnig of Ryodan and Dani's story!!

Yes, I am so excited about what is to follow.  I simply loved the book I am a fan hands down of Ryodan and Dani (Mega).  Ryo- says to Dani "are you disappointed or loyal"  and she responds loyal.   Thank you Karen Marie Moning for another awesome story.  I loved the Fever series and now I know I will love the Ice series.  Dani is a 14 year old girl that is a Sidhe-Seer with powers.  She is alone and depends on no one.  Her one true friend is Dancer who is about 19 and a loner as well.  They give each other space which is the key to their relationship they understand each other.  But when Ryodan the owner of Chester's approaches Dani to offer her a job she really is not being asked but told.  Ryodan is one of Barron's men.   He is strong and ruthless and always gets what he wants.  Like Barron's he is also very good looking, and sexy.  He screams sex appeal his attraction has no limits  and the fact that he is extremely dangerous is not much of a deterrent.  Dani tells herself she hates him but really does like him and every time she is around his her hormones go crazy, because she's still a kid she really doesn't understand her feelings.   She is not old enough to have a relationship with Ryodan but we all know that Ryo is very  patient.  I'm a little confused because Ryodan is currently seeing Jo who is another Sidhe-Seers. I wonder who will be Dani's love interest will it be Ryodan, Dancer or Christian.  I am routing for Ryodan!   Ice picked up right where the last fever book left off.  What will happen between Mac and Mega now that Mac has caught up with Dani.  Talk about leaving us Hanging!!!!Gotta Love it.
Fang Rating V V V V V

Friday, August 23, 2013

Dead Ever After… The End of the Sookie Stackhouse Series

I’m Sookie Stackhouse and I belong here.  Famous last words, they are the very last words in this book.

I’m not going to lie and say that I love the ending.  I really believed that Sookie would end up with Big E and that she would somehow become immortal.  But obviously the author had a different ending in mind.  She brought the series completely full circle.  I think back to the first Sookie book and I remember her working at Merlot’s and fantasizing about her Boss and Friend Sam.  Many things happened and both Sookie and Sam dated different people but remained good friends.  Eric was always self-serving and although that is the Eric she always knew and fell in love with at the very end he chose power.  But he also took care of her as best he could without giving up too much.   I would have preferred to see Eric and Sookie live happily ever after But I get why she choose to end the series like this.  If you are a fan of the Sookie books and have read them all then you must read the last one as well.  It will bring closure and help you move on.   Moving on is what I will do, the books have brought me much joy.  They are what inspired Mon and myself to start out blog.  And for that I am grateful.    When Charlene announced this would be the last book in the Sookie series I was said to see the finish.  But with the way it ended I am ready to let them go.  Thank you for providing great entertaining reading throughout the years I will hold all the characters close to my heart.   


Fang Rating:  V V


Feliz Friday!!

Friday, August 16, 2013

Finished Fantasy Lover Dark Hunter 1

Well, well, well, what do we have here? A little steamy action for sure! I read this at the beach and it was a perfect beach book, fun, slightly funny but not really but for me, it is always important that I like the characters and I did! Fast read, good love scenes, what more can a girl ask for? I hope the next book steps it up a bit as I can see where if it is the same thing over and over it could get old. This is just book one and I was really hoping for fangs but instead got a Greek God who was conjured up by a lonely sex therapist, Grace, okay...not what I was expecting! Yes, he even did say in the end that she was his "saving Grace"!!!! So bad! But a fellow reader of the series told me that, Kyrian, a mysterious character from the book who lived in Roman times fighting along side Julian (the Greek God) is a "Dark Hunter" and that they fight were and vamps. I think? Not too worry, I plan on reading on and I will tell! This book definitely stuck to its title and had some plot twists I didn't see coming. I enjoyed the different spin on Urban Fantasy would I call it? by using magic to conjure up Greek Gods. High hopes don't let me down and as this book was a little too light and cheesy for me, hoping to get a little darker and deeper with next one! I am excited to see where this is going and besides, Kyrian sounds really hot! lol! Keeping fanging on is what I'll do!

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

Monday, August 5, 2013

Finished Twice Tempted!

I just finied the 2nd Dark Price book by Jeannie Frost, entitled Twice Tempted. Boy is this woman good at writing a love scene! Based on the last book, that fell a little short for me since I am not a huge fan of the author (think she is a bit cheese and lacks a good plot) I didn't think the 2nd book would rivel the first but it did and I was pleasantly suprised! Like I said, she is really good at writing a love scene. This was a great follow up to the first. Spoiler Alert! They get married and she turns into a Vamp! I wasn't expecting that and it helped with the page turning for sure. She cut it off at the end in what tried to be a cliff hanger so I guess more books to this series are on her way. I will def read the next but I was also happier to move on to more emotion! I am always in search of that one that can place me there and make me fall in love! Pillars? We shall see...

Fang Rating VVV

- Mon