Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finished Ice: The Beginnig of Ryodan and Dani's story!!

Yes, I am so excited about what is to follow.  I simply loved the book I am a fan hands down of Ryodan and Dani (Mega).  Ryo- says to Dani "are you disappointed or loyal"  and she responds loyal.   Thank you Karen Marie Moning for another awesome story.  I loved the Fever series and now I know I will love the Ice series.  Dani is a 14 year old girl that is a Sidhe-Seer with powers.  She is alone and depends on no one.  Her one true friend is Dancer who is about 19 and a loner as well.  They give each other space which is the key to their relationship they understand each other.  But when Ryodan the owner of Chester's approaches Dani to offer her a job she really is not being asked but told.  Ryodan is one of Barron's men.   He is strong and ruthless and always gets what he wants.  Like Barron's he is also very good looking, and sexy.  He screams sex appeal his attraction has no limits  and the fact that he is extremely dangerous is not much of a deterrent.  Dani tells herself she hates him but really does like him and every time she is around his her hormones go crazy, because she's still a kid she really doesn't understand her feelings.   She is not old enough to have a relationship with Ryodan but we all know that Ryo is very  patient.  I'm a little confused because Ryodan is currently seeing Jo who is another Sidhe-Seers. I wonder who will be Dani's love interest will it be Ryodan, Dancer or Christian.  I am routing for Ryodan!   Ice picked up right where the last fever book left off.  What will happen between Mac and Mega now that Mac has caught up with Dani.  Talk about leaving us Hanging!!!!Gotta Love it.
Fang Rating V V V V V

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