Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Finished Night Pleasures, Dark Hunter 2

What a great second book in this series!! This is the book that really starts up the series! Night Pleasures is Kyrian's story. His love interest is Amanda, Selena's sister. This book really set the stage for the rest of the series. In this book you learn what a Dark Hunter is, how it relates to a vampire and more importantly to ancient Greece and Greek Gods!! A very creative and new twist once again on fangs in the urban fantasy genre. Julian and Grace show up in this book and it ties everything together. It gives a history on the Dark Hunter, introduces some other Dark Hunter who will no doubt be the following books main players and introduces all of Selena's family, their special talents and how their role with the Dark Hunters. This book was another fast read from Mrs. S.K and I liked it better than the first. I like Kyrian better, he is darker and has more of a sense of humor than Julian. I also liked Amanda better than Grace. I am excited about hearing the stories of the other Dark Hunter's mentioned and how they fall in love and regain their souls. This is a great series so far, fast reads, a little cheesy at times so I think it may get a little old after a few more books but we shall see... onward and upward! I hope Talon is next :)

Fang Rating VVVV

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