Monday, November 18, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 10!

This book was about the Dark Hunter, Ravyn who was also a Arcadian, or human who could shift into an animal. The same as our old fren Vane was from an earlier book. This was an interesting twist. It kind of merged the Dark-hunter and Were-hunter worlds. This book also had a lot of important information in it about Styker and Ash. I am not sure how it will all play out at this point but I know the background stories in this book will lead up to something. All of Styker's action sort of came to a head and this book really sets up for what is to come with the way it ended. I am soo glad Ravyn was finally accepted by his family and eventually mated with Susan!! I actually liked Susan somewhat...I also liked Cael and that little side story as well!! A dark hunter married to an appolite who turned him in into a daimon in order to save his life, interesting. I think we will see them again!! And last but not least, what made this book a winner was the return of Nick G. and his converting to Stryker's minion to the dark side!!!!! Did not see it coming!!!

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

Finished Dark Hunter 9!

This was Wren, the were-tiger's story and his love interest was Maggie, a senator's daughter. I liked Wren and the dreads definitely had me going!! I liked getting into the were-hunter's lives and felt sorry for poor Wren. This book had time travel and Savitar!! We don't know who exactly Savitar is, kinda like the Ash of the were-hunters? Any who, he is a bad ass who likes to surf! This book gave more background into were-hunter politics and the "safe" houses or sanctuary rules which was good to know also because I can apply the info to future books. That is something the author is very good about. I liked this book a lot especially the ending. A lot of twists I didn't see coming and a good read!

Getting better

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

Finished Dark Hunter 8

Dark Hunter 8, Sins of the Night, was the story of Danger, a woman dark hunter from the times of the French Revolution and Alexicon. I am getting his name wrong and don't want to go back and look it up but he is Ash's right hand man and was the first Dark Hunter to become a Shade but Ash felt for him and brought him back to life in his realm. He was the reason why the Artemis created the rule about a Dark Hunter being able to win their soul back if a true lover passed her test. Although this gave more insight into Ash's world and Simi's, this was my least favorite couple. The books seemed jumbled and the lack of descriptions on the two main characters had me reaching. A lot of these books tend to send me in this direction but a good sex scene tends to bring me back. It was interesting to see a woman dark hunter and get introduced to some more but I was happy when I finished.

Fang Rating VVV

- Mon