Monday, November 18, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 9!

This was Wren, the were-tiger's story and his love interest was Maggie, a senator's daughter. I liked Wren and the dreads definitely had me going!! I liked getting into the were-hunter's lives and felt sorry for poor Wren. This book had time travel and Savitar!! We don't know who exactly Savitar is, kinda like the Ash of the were-hunters? Any who, he is a bad ass who likes to surf! This book gave more background into were-hunter politics and the "safe" houses or sanctuary rules which was good to know also because I can apply the info to future books. That is something the author is very good about. I liked this book a lot especially the ending. A lot of twists I didn't see coming and a good read!

Getting better

Fang Rating VVVv

- Mon

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