Monday, November 18, 2013

Finished Dark Hunter 8

Dark Hunter 8, Sins of the Night, was the story of Danger, a woman dark hunter from the times of the French Revolution and Alexicon. I am getting his name wrong and don't want to go back and look it up but he is Ash's right hand man and was the first Dark Hunter to become a Shade but Ash felt for him and brought him back to life in his realm. He was the reason why the Artemis created the rule about a Dark Hunter being able to win their soul back if a true lover passed her test. Although this gave more insight into Ash's world and Simi's, this was my least favorite couple. The books seemed jumbled and the lack of descriptions on the two main characters had me reaching. A lot of these books tend to send me in this direction but a good sex scene tends to bring me back. It was interesting to see a woman dark hunter and get introduced to some more but I was happy when I finished.

Fang Rating VVV

- Mon

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